Friday, September 30, 2011


The dinner with Lucca's was wonderful.  Not only was the food good, the wine steward was very knowledgeable and since we waited a little for anyone to come to the table upgraded my glass of wine to Chateaunuf de Pape (I think that is how you spell it)  What a smooth wonderful wine and at $95.00 a bottle it better be.

The man I had dinner with was thrilled with being on  He had located a friend that he knew in high school and will be taking her out. He is my age, but still working or rather working at not working.  He develops mobile home communities and has done that for over twenty years.  He was a good conversationalist and I guess at our age we should be able to communicate.

After dinner he walked me to my car and asked if he could take me out to dinner again.  I said, "I'd see."  It depends on how bored I am when he asks. Again, although he looks like Desi, he isn't Desi.

Desi didn't drive back on Thursday as he said he was going to.  He can't find a person to take over the supervision of the job he has going on up there.  He is coming to see me tonight.  He is about two hundred and fifty miles away and on a Friday that will probably be a good five hour drive for him.  I told him we would switch days and go out Saturday.  He said he didn't care which day, but from past experience I have found he pushes himself and either is so tired, and won't admit to it, or so stressed, his mood isn't the best.  I've learned to just allow him his quirks....I certainly have mine.

So until he shows up tonight I'm taking care of me and the house.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


The pet sitter came over to the house to be interviewed and she was another gem  She has been doing this for a living for thirteen years and has great references. So, I engaged her for November 23, the day I'm going into the hospital to have my knee surgery and for however long it will be necessary to have her take care of Camille and Mikee. She will come in twice a day to feed and clean out the litter box.  So, that is another big thing off my mind that I was worried about.

I had lunch with the man from the District Elks, that wanted to show me a new place.  We had a nice lunch and talked and interacted with all the people that were around.  Also met another gal, that is a rep for Sherwin Williams with the automotive paint division.  We all made plans to go to lunch in Orange in a couple of weeks.

Desi emailed me back after I gave him a list of logo's for the Breightling watches and also a list of what he could have for dinner Saturday night as I told him I'd cook since I think he needs some down time.  We are going out on Friday and then traveling around Orange County to look at watches on Saturday during the day, so he can make a decision.  He made his choice for dinner,and being the salacious little devil he is, included me on the menu for dessert.  That man always thinking ahead. :) One would think we are teenagers. It's such a great feeling not to feel old.

I had lunch today with two friends and tonight I have an Italian dinner at Lucca's with a male friend who is looking for a new girlfriend.  He has one that he is taking out on Friday night and wants to discuss her with me.  It's a free dinner, so why not.  I certainly have no romantic interest in him but I do like talking to him.

My young school teacher man, that emailed me profusely last year, popped up on email again.  It is interesting that I seem to cross their minds and they decide to email to say hello. This has happened so many times with so many different men. Most are ones that I haven't met. 

The other email I had was from a guy that has been online for months.  He has a girlfriend but thinks I can't live without him.  I told him about Desi, but he wants to meet.  I'm not meeting him now or ever.  I told him if he was cheating on his girlfriend I had no interest, plus why would I want to envolve myself with someone that is obviously just looking for a roll in the hay. Go find someone else.

I am perfectly happy with the way things are between Desi and myself.  He keeps me interested and we have a good time together.  I don't want marriage and a long term committment is not something I want to entertain at this point, if ever. So, it is what it is and good for us.

Onwards and upwards. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011


The nutty man that lives in LA with the jet showed up on IM yesterday.  I had a fairly short text with him.  I told him, yet once again, that I didn't consider emailing back and forth a relationship.  He is very foreign (beware!!) and certainly throwing up way to many "red flags" for me to entertain ever meeting him. 

I actually did tell him that,  and he of course said he didn't understand what I meant.  He came back and said I had a temper and was pissed and would get over it.  I told him, "I wasn't pissed, just done, and as far as I was concerned this game he was playing was over.  I don't care if he has a jet, billions of dollars or whatever it is, strange is just strange. I also told him he was wasting both of our times.  He finally came back and said, "okay, I'll come down to meet you, although I'm really busy and don't have time to meet ordinary people."  Ordinary, what the hell!  I told him I was far from ordinary and I didn't want to meet him and for him to stay put.  He came back and said, I took it the wrong way. Really, I don't think so.   I finally got tired of the idiocy of the whole thing and signed off with Ciao and don't bother me again.  This has happened with a few of the guys I've been contacted by, but this one was by far the strangest.

The girls dinner in Laguna Beach at my friends wonderful condo that literally sits almost in the ocean was great.  We laughed a lot and sat around the dinner table  until 11:00 p.m.  I got home around 11:45, Mikee wasn't happy since he hadn't received his treats yet.  That cat lives by routine and God forbid I should deviate from his schedule.  He does punish me one way or the other.

Desi called this morning from up North.  He was complaining that the town was so awful there wasn't even a Starbucks.  Now he lives by going to Starbucks for coffee and his NY Times newspaper.  He said he drove to another town to do just that.  God forbid he should be in Starbucks withdrawal. He also didn't have much luck talking the guy he wanted to baby sit for him to do just that.  He said he would be back either Wednesday or Thursday and we were still on for the weekend.  We'll see, with him there is no planning.

He did get my email of the picture of the two Breightling Navitimer watches I sent him, but wherever he is staying didn't have a working WiFi. and his Blackberry didn't show it very well.  I'm just proud of myself actually taking a picture and sending it with a message on my iPhone.  WooHoo!

I'm trying to get things done here today.  Washing clothes, wrapping my Great Nephews birthday gift that I need to get out tomorrow.  A new pet sitter is coming to be interviewed at six tonight.  My regular gal is gong to be in Texas when I need her to take care of the cats when I have my second knee surgery.  I need a back up anyway so I'm hoping this works out.

Off to finish my chores.

Friday, September 23, 2011


This week went by so fast even though I wasn't as busy as I usually am.  Two lunches, one on Wednesday and one Thursday.  Today I had a lunch meeting.  Seems everything is done around food and keeping my weight off is a matter of thinking about what I'm eating  most all the time.

Last night I went to a function in Newport Beach. It was fun and I met new people.  I left fairly early and returned home around eight in the evening.  I remember the days I was out until four in the morning...those days are sure gone forever.
The meeting today was one about getting younger people involved at the Elks Lodge and although I'm not going to be available to help out this time, I met with the two chairman to see what they wanted to do and what they might need in the future. Although with another operation in the offing, I'm not sure I'll be much help for a long time. I'm a little tired of involving myself in so many things and next year I will be backing off a little.

I've been on a quest for Desi, not that he asked me to do this, but since he is tied up with work I thought I'd check some things out for him.  He is hunting for a Breightling Navitimer men's watch.  He would like a vintage one, but they are hard to find unless you want to buy them online.  He is still a person that wants to touch and feel something he is purchasing.  I don't blame him since these particular watches cost thousands and thousands of dollars, old or new.

So, I'm checking out jewelery stores that may have them in Orange County.  Again, they are hard to find due to the fact that this economy doesn't warrant a store putting a lot of money out to stock a watch that may sit there forever.  I have managed to locate four stores and a pawn shop that have a couple Breightlings and when we see each other next week we will go on a watch hunt.

Why he wants this expensive of a watch is his business, but since he bought a watch in Italy that was seven thousand dollars and then lost it, he has a bad habit of taking them off when he washes his hands, (they aren't water proof) you would think he would at least insure them.  He didn't, so there was a ton of money down the drain. (no pun intended.)  One would think he would buy something a lot cheaper.  Again his business, but I know I wouldn't be investing that much money in something that may go bye bye. At least it isn't a thirty five thousand dollar Rolex.

At the very beginning of our relationship ,( if you can call what we have a relationship,) prior to him leaving for Paris last year, he called the house and asked if he had left another watch he owned behind.  He hadn't and I don't know if he ever found it, guess not as he bought a new one when he was in Europe.  More money then sense my little boy.

On to other things.  After the meeting today I sat with a man that I know that is very personable.  He is a good sparring partner, verbally and it was fun to sit and talk with him.  He was with another couple that joined in the conversation. He asked me to go to lunch on Tuesday next week to see a place I hadn't been before.  I have no interest in him, other then a friend, but enjoy his company. He is going through another divorce and just seems to want to talk about it.

Tonight I met friends for drinks and another guy that I work on the Veterans programs with, that I haven't seen for a while, was there.  We too had a nice conversation.  I had one drink and decided after I talked to him for several hours that it was time to go home.

The odd man with the jet sent me an email that said when I was serious to let him know.  What?  I emailed him back and said how was I ever suppose to answer that one when I had never met him.  I don't want to, he is just to wierd.

My friend, who is here from Oregon is coming early for us to go to breakfast.  Then tomorrow
night is a girl's dinner in Laguna Beach.

Can't wait for Sunday to rest.  I think I'll need it, not to mention not ingest any more food.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I woke up really early this morning, 4:30.  Don't ask me why.  I did manage to stay in bed until 5:00 a.m. and it would have been longer if Mikee hadn't decided he wanted me up to give him his treats.  We have a ritual every morning where he gets his treats prior to his breakfast.  Camille, for some reason, didn't want anything this morning.  So here I sit at dawn.

I sent a text to Desi late yesterday afternoon asking him how his week was going since the last time I talked to him it wasn't going well.  He called me instead of texting me back and said he was still stuck up North.  He had to fire the Superintendent that needed a Supervisor and was the elected over all seer for the project until he found someone in his company that could come up to take over.  So, that means no Desi this weekend.  If nothing else, he has a great work ethic and is so organized he gets things done. Must be the German in him.

Desi  was planning on coming back today, but now it is going to be next week.  He said he would see me on Friday and Saturday, but I know not to depend on that.  I'm sure he will really try, as he always does, but his schedule is just crazy and he has several large jobs on the burner that take up a lot of time.  Commercial construction takes a lot of doing. My friends think I'm crazy, but whatever it is that Desi and I have, it works for us.  It is a little like seeing someone new, that you really like, every time he shows up.

I'm really busy with things and this Thursday is a dinner and Saturday is a girls dinner in Laguna Beach.  Saturday morning I have a breakfast planned with a friend of mine that is here from Oregon. I could fill up every day but sometimes you just need down time.  I managed that for several days in a row the last couple of days.  I actually got a decorator piece done yesterday for the podium for the Fashion Show and need to get my garage organized soon so I can work on remaining center pieces,

I'm meeting a friend for lunch today and picking up the donated cases of wine that will be part of the center pieces for the Fashion Show, a doctor appointment and a stop at some friends to pick up a catalog I loaned them several months ago.

Tonight is also a Renovators meeting to talk about redoing the landscaping at the Elks Lodge.  As busy as I am, I still get bored once in a while.  I think if I don't have something to do every minute of the day I think I'm missing something. Must quit that! I need to get motivated to do somethings around the house, like organize my cabinets in the kitchen,  talk about boring.

I had a call last night from a D.A. I know  that just returned from a vacation in Viet Nam, (who goes there to vacation?)  He actually is a Viet Nam Vet and there was some sort of reunion there for the men that were in the War in the sixties. He said he was just checking on me to see if I was okay. He is married and again, I have no interest in him, but we have been friends for several months and I see him once in awhile.   He would like more, but I have no interest in married men. 

The Red Flag man that I said I didn't think I was going to meet sent me an Instant Message yesterday, that I didn't anwer.  I'm hoping he gets the message. He didn't call, so perhaps he did.

I'm off to get another cup of coffee. 

Hugs to all.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Yesterday was a ton of errand running, mostly in Irvine. It was a pretty quiet day.  One exception was I had a call on my cell while I was driving, from the man I had an impromptu dinner with Friday night..  He said he had something funny to impart.  He asked what I would think of someone that said,"I got up this morning."  WHAT? He wanted to know what I made of that statement.  Now how weird was that?  I think he just wanted to call me and needed an excuse.  That basically was all he said and then said, "go on with your day."  Am I missing something?  I have no interest in this man whatsoever.  He lives in a mobile home, has physical problems and although very pleasant, not my type at all. He was just new on one of the sites and I had told him to keep looking so he could find someone that suited his needs, whatever they may be. Everyone is so different.  I think I'll just stay with the devil I know.

 I need to get my act together today and do somethings around here.  Take care all.

Monday, September 19, 2011


The Italian night was fun, to much fun.  It was cooked by volunteers that were Italian and the food was very good. It included antipasto salad, garlic toast, Penni pasta with sauce, Italian sausage, Chicken Marsala and Spumoni.  Of course wine too.

Sunday morning I received a text from Desi who was still stuck up North with beau coup problems on a job site. He said to go on with my day since he wouldn't be returning until the middle of the week.  Seems his supervisor on the job needed a supervisor.  Desi said that the job was ten days behind and it was going to cost, plus he may have to fire the man that was suppose to be in charge and not doing a great job of it. Construction has so many aspects to it and if everyone doesn't do what they are suppose to it throws everything off.

Desi called me later Sunday afternoon and was more then upset.  He said he was hot, tired and dirty and totally disgusted with his man that was suppose to be running things for him..  He was headed home on Wednesday and promised either Thursday or Friday to see me.  If I have learned one thing it is to not count on plans with him.  He has such a complicated life, between work, family and driving and flying all over the place he is stretched to the limit.  It all works for me.  No twenty four seven and it allows both of us to do what we need to do. It is like the first time everytime we see each other and that is on both sides.

I finally got the picture of the two of us that was taken at a friends bithday party.  If I must say so myself we look pretty good.  That day the humidity was fierce and my hair showed it, but that not withstanding, we look good together.  I told Desi that I was putting the picture next to my bed
so I  would remember him..  He thought that was a fine idea.  I also managed to scan the picture in to the computer, a first for me, and sent him a copy.  I have a copy for him  when he comes the next time. I was kidding my friend saying it was hard evidence.

Now, on to a problem man who I haven't met yet and don't want to.  This is the man that has a private jet, builds Wal-Marts and grocery stores and is from Europe.  His accent is heavy and I can't decide if he is Italian, he says his mother was Italian, or something else. His name is not Italian.  His heavy accent also doesn't sound Italian. He calls and emails but I still have many red flags when it comes to him.  He is a little to religious, Catholic, but over the top with it and doesn't hesitate to tell you about his devotion to the Church.  Right up my alley,  NOT!  He is looking for someone to marry and travel with, it won't be me.  I have found it doesn't matter how much money a man has, if he is wierd, he is wierd.  Not to mention I haven't met him in person.

I find it interesting that out of all the men that I've seen or been contacted by, there is only Desi that I want to see and be with.  I thought I"d be able to find someone, near my age, that might be a keeper, but so far I haven't and I've almost given up looking.  Actually I have given up looking.  I just need to focus in on my life and enjoy the remaining time I have left on this earth and make the most of what I've been given. 

We are all blessed by so much.

Friday, September 16, 2011


I was driving home yesterday and heard my cell phone ding loudly. That usually means I've received a text message from someone. I pulled up to my house and looked at the message and it was Desi.  He said he never got out of his office up North and he asked if I'd I be around later in the afternoon, as he was leaving his office around three and wanted to come to see me..  He is about seventy eight miles away and after three  o'clock the traffic in LA is beyond.  I told him I was home for the duration and to come over. He said it might be a while but he would be there.  If you remember he was leaving to go further up North on a job and wasn't going to see me until Sunday.  We hadn't seen each other for almost three weeks and "Memorex" for both of us was getting pretty old.

He called several times on his way down and it seemed that every freeway had an accident on it.  I will say, if nothing else, he was determined to see me hell or high water.  It took him four hours to get to my house and he didn't arrive until seven in the evening.  Amazing how determined a man can be when it is a booty call. Not that I'm complaining. It also turned out to be a good conversation between us.

The worse thing, for him, was he needed to leave my house to go home, fifty miles, to pack, then leave for a three and a half hour or more drive for a seven in the morning meeting.  I don't know how he does it. He functions on very little sleep. I asked why he didn't pack before and he said he wasn't planning on coming South, but things change.  Lucky me!

We had a great conversation about how perfect we were for each other and if anyone had told us this would happen we would have called them liars.  There is such a strong connection that every time we see each other it is like the first time and the bloom isn't off the rose yet.  It makes it nice that we both have separate lives that allows each other to do what we need to do. It will be probably never go anywhere between us ,but it sure is fun traveling the road, wherever it might lead.

I texted him this morning and told him I  hoped he got some sleep and made it to his meeting.  I also added a few other things to which he answered, "ditto".  I swear to God I feel like a teenager again. What fun and without all the angst.

Desi is coming back around two in the afternoon on Sunday.  He said he would make up for the short visit and we could do anything I wanted to do.  I'll have to ponder that and see what I come up with.

I was suppose to go to a friends house for dinner with the girls tomorrow night, Saturday,  but it got cancelled.  One of our very good friends has a twisted hip and the gal that was having the dinner is staying with her to help. Since that got cancelled I found something else to do.

I had lunch at the Elks today with some people from Newport Beach and they asked if I was coming to the Italian Night.  Since it is cooked by volunteer Italians it should be great.  At the time I said no because of the previous dinner plans.  When I got home after doing a ton of errands I got the message the dinner was cancelled so I called a friend to get a seat, if possible, at her table.  So I do have something to do and another friend to go with to the event.

I also talked to my wonderful brother today and that was good.

Life is busy and going along in a positive way. I figure I better enjoy everyday, one doesnt' know what will happen so bask in the light while you can..

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I, for one, will be so glad when this fashion show I'm co-chairing is over.  There have been so many meetings, obstacles and things to do it has become way to time consuming.  Not that I have a ton of things to do otherwise but dealing with a million things, especially when you have to check up on people has become a little over the top.

I still have the man texting me on Yahoo Messenger that lives in LA.  He did call me on my cell, but has such a strong accent that it was hard to understand him when he called.  I'm finding out a little about him and his private jet, building Wall Marts and grocery stores isn't my main interest with him.  It would be nice to finally have someone with money, but those men can sometimes be jerks and it isn't about the money for me. (maybe it should be.)  Whether anything transpires with him remains to be seen.  He was in a bad relationship and is very skittish.  I can't be bothered with trying to repair the damage someone else did.  My whole theory is move on. I always want to be very cautious and there have been a couple of red flags that I'm weighing after chatting with him.  He sounds more then a little possessive and perhaps jealous.  We'll see.  My instincts are usually right and I have no problem cutting him off at the pass should he prove to be the above.

Desi is coming this Sunday.  He is in Northern California for several days to check on the job up there and was waiting today for the utility company's to show up.  Everyone seems to be so busy, me included.  Of course, no matter who or what, Desi is still my choice.  He makes me laugh and that is good.

I'm off to have a luncheon meeting and then back home.  Another meeting tonight. Lord, it is like working again without the pay.

Off now!

Monday, September 12, 2011

POST 9/11

Seems we got through the ten year anniversary of 9/11 without incident. What a horrible day 9/11 was.  I was in New York right after it happened and the whole city was in  shock.  The actors on Broadway were thanking people for coming to the plays as the City had almost come to a standstill.  We, as Americans, will prevail.

The man front has been a little wierd.  The older guy that I thought was great turned out to be a sex fiend on email, at least.  I saw this seventy five year old guy twice and his text to me wanted to know if we could get together to play.  I texted him back asking him to define play (as if I didn't know) and of course my assumption was correct.  Idiot!

Then I have this man, who seems nice, that I've never met,  who is now in VA at a resort doing the Civil War tour thing.  He has been emailing me for about a month.  He has, so far been a gentleman.

To add another element, there is a man that I've been Yahoo Messenging for the last two days.  He told me, by accident since he thought I lived in Colorado, that he had his own jet.  He lives in LA and is in acquisitions, like Desi, and also has an import/export business in textiles.  You never know whether to believe them or not, but since I don't really give a rats ass what they tell me since I'm not marrying anyone.  He said he got scammed on one of the dating sites for $182,000.  Now he is either full of it, or just plain dumb.  I also think these guys may just be too needy and will do anything to have a women with them who they think loves them. There are a lot of sad cases out there and I've heard the same story from several men.  I suppose it is just as scary out there for them with women as it is for women on the men's site.
I watched the three games Yankee vs Angels baseball games over the weekend.  Mostly because Desi was there with his sons and I wanted to know what went on with the games.  Then I watched the Jets and Dallas game.  I was so happy that the Jets won for more reasons then one.  I've always abhorred Texas and was glad they went down.  The game was a good one. It also made it more special that the Jets were from NY.

I emailed Desi late last night and wanted to know if he won any money from the boys and he emailed back he lost but made it up with the football game.  Just big kids all the way around.  He keeps saying,, "see you soon."  I never know what his definition of "soon" is but when he shows up, he shows up.  He did tell me that I wouldn't like him if he was vanilla and he is so right.

I'm off to the doctor's and then to my friends house to recoup before I return home.


Friday, September 9, 2011


Well I did get a second opinion on my knee and it wasn't very favorable.  This knee of mine has hurt since I had it operated on  a year and a half ago.  I finally got sick of it and went to see another doctor after my insurance approved it.  As I thought, the partial knee replacement should not have been done and it should have been a full knee replacement.  Now I have to go through the whole painful thing again to hopefully get it right.  The ex ray showed the current knee cap was on crooked and the metal was pushing up against the outside  Whether the previous doctor did that or it happened with a fall I took several months ago, I don't know.  All I do know it hurts and is getting worse.

Since I have so much going on I have to plan the timing very carefully.  When I told Desi he thought I should come up to LA to see one of his doctors.  He has had enough surgeries, being an old football player, plus he volunteered with them. so has an in.  I can't do LA.  I would be out of my comfort zone and I'd be up there alone.  I'm sure he wouldn't be aroundwith his busy schedule. So I'm scheduling this horrible thing the end of November, if I can. This way I'll have my friends around that can help.  I have already talked to my pet sitter and she will come to feed the cats twice a day.

The dating sites have been busy with lots of very complimentary emails, just not from men that I want to see.  My older man is in San Diego handling lots of problems.  I have found, for some reason, be it the economy or whatever, that most of the men I talk to have beau coup problems. They are all are trying to reinvent themselves.  My one male friend, and that is what he is, a friend, blew through six million dollars and lost everything.  He is frantically trying to regroup at seventy one. These are bright articulate men but this climate takes no prisoners.  I wish we could all go back before 2007 and have a chance for a do over.

Desi's birthday is today.  His sons, the three of them, came from all over the country, to take him to the Angels/Yankees games this weekend. One of the sons clients gave him box seating so they will be there for three games this weekend, in style. I sent him a text this morning wishing him a Happy Birthday and received a nice email back thanking me and saying he would see me soon. He also asked me to send him my birthday date again, he wanted to plan something.  Again, we'll see what happens with that one.

I've been home with not much going on, so I will add things as they happen.  Hopefully things will be a little more interesting next week.

I did take my grandson (step) to dinner on Wednesday night.  He is sixteen and such a sweetie.  I asked hm if there was anything in the world he could change what would it be?  His answer was, " I would have Papa not die."  My ex husband would love that one.

Off for the night to watch exciting.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Here it is Monday, Labor Day, already.  I did meet my friends on Saturday night and we had a great dinner and drinks sitting outside on the patio at RD's.  We watched all the people with their dogs prance by.  It is really comical how so many dogs look like their owners and you can tell who is really into their dog or just there for show.

Sunday I didn't poke my nose out of the house except to get the paper.  It was a muggy, hot day.  The phone was quiet and not much was going on. I got some more housework done.

I thought Desi was headed back today, Monday, but he decided to stay up North and not return home until tomorrow .  He is having a good time playing with his grand kids...he is a big kid himself.  I did find out a few things on the Internet which explains a lot of the questions I had about Desi not inviting me to his end of the world.  Nothing earth shattering but everything makes sense now. I don't want to go into it on this on my  Blog, but I"m satisfied that my doubts and questions were answered. Time will sort things out. I just need to remember to keep everything casual. All is well and the three things I have to remember is , do not complain, compare, or question. It's amazing what you can find out when someone is chatty and when that doesn't work, Google is a great tool.

My older man contacted me and was still in San Diego and was getting things done. He said he would call me, as he said before, this coming week.  I also heard from a man that I have no idea who he might be or where he came from.  He sent me a picture and was very chatty, but my mind has drawn a blank as to where he lives or what he does. Now where in the world did he come from?

I think I'm making a lot of these men casualties of the dating wars.  I love being alone on my own terms and want to see only who I want to see, when I want to see them.  So far it is working out.  I have my choice and can date at will, but at this point I'm not very willing.  My life is busy and doesn't need the complications brought on by to many men as it was in the beginning of this online dating thing.

The Homeless Vets are having a Stand Down and I received an email this morning asking me to volunteer to serve breakfast one day.  I will do that.  Tomorrow night is packing boxes for the Vets in Afghanistan again.  Very worthwhile.

Tomorrow is also a doctor's appointment for a second opinion on my knee that is still killing me and another meeting that I will probably miss due to the packing job as mentioned above.

I'm sure life will get exciting again, this is just a down time which is fine with me.

Best to all.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


A first.!  I actually stayed home all day yesterday and last night.  I did get a lot of things done around the house.  Nothing exciting.  Mostly playing catch up with housework and ironing (am I the last women in the world that irons?)  Mikee was happy to have me home and didn't leave my side all day. He is such a dog-cat.

I did have a call from my older man who was headed down to San Diego.  I thought I had told him that I might see him next week and he agreed to wait to call me, but he then decided he couldn't wait to hear my voice.  I'm hoping he isn't going to be a problem. He was having trouble evicting a renter and was in a flap about the fact that she was prolonging the inevitable by going to court.  Since I had a renter that did that just to prolong the process of eviction,  I commiserated with him. He said he would call me later, but didn't.

I also had a call in the morning from a man whose voice I didn't recognize at first.  When I I asked him who I was speaking to, it turned out to be really didn't sound like him.  That was a first for me as I always recognize his voice.  He was sure that I was waiting for someone else to call and said that he was a magazine salesman and wouldn't call back.  Funny boy!  He was in the Valley and getting ready to head up to Northern California to see his grandchildren and step daughter's family.  He does stay active with all his extended family.  He will be returning on Monday, Labor Day.  His thought on that was that traffic would be lighter early in the day.  Since he gets up and on the road before five a.m. he may be right.

I don't know when Desi and I will see each other.  His sons are coming into town to take him to several Angel-Yankees games for his birthday next weekend.  One of the boys has a private box through a client in New York and is treating all of them to a weekend of baseball.  I couldn't think of anything more boring, but it is a boy thing. Desi seems to be okay with it although didn't seem totally enthusiatic about it.  Since everyone is coming into town from all over the country he better enjoy it. He did tell me that he would have a handle on his schedule and get back to me. My dragonfly, flitting all over the place.

My girlfriend called me yesterday to arrange for three of us to meet at Fashion Island at RD's for drinks and snacks around four today.  I need to get busy doing some things around the house, like some paperwork that I keep putting off, and then get ready to drive to Newport Beach.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Yesterday I was to meet a friend for lunch.  I arrived and waited for a while and she didn't show up.  I was worried about her after I made a couple phone calls to her number and it was busy.  When I finally did get a hold of here she said she had a dead car battery and was on the phone with AAA.  Nothing easy.

I ended up eating lunch alone and left to go to a friends to pick up a donation for an ad for the Fashion Show Brochure I'm working on.  After we sat around and chatted for a bit I left to go home and regroup.  I was meeting two of my friends in Newport Beach to see the movie "The Help" which was a great movie.   I had read the book and was thoroughly entertained by that. I haven't been reading as much as I would like to, all though I did download a book someone recommended to me called "Jock Itch".

The above book is about a women that liked and dated Jocks ....since that was my forte in the dating world and still is, I so far have found it very interesting read.  It really is about the masculinity and entitlement these men exude.  It's a confidence of knowing that they are good at what they do and have no problem showing it.  They all walk around like their private parts are nine inches long. Wish I could like those little thin men that have brains, but that wasn't and still isn't my interest.

After seeing the movie with my friends, which I posted on my last Blog yesterday, I came home and stayed in for the night.  I had heard from a man that I had met at my local, favorite hangout and he had wanted to meet for a drink, but I declined.  Sometimes you just have to stay home.

Today, Thursday is a meeting with the girls on the committee for the Fashion Show and lunch with them and then tonight I'm debating whether to go to Newport Beach for dinner with a few couples that I know.  I seem to be going out for more lunches and dinners and I really have to watch what I'm eating as those pounds have a tendency to creep up on one.  So far, so good, but you have to watch everything you put in your mouth.

Off to start the day.


Monday came around and again I had errands to run.  I decided to use the balance of a gift card I had received for TJMXX, as I was looking around my cellphone rang and it was the older man that I had met for coffee  He said he had been thinking of me all day and wanted to see me again.  I told him that my week was pretty booked but I was free that evening.  He didn't hesitate a minute and said lets meet for drinks and dinner.

I drove down South and arrived a little early. I went into Nordstrom's Rack as I had a gift certificate to use up. I was walking around the store looking at the shoes and then went over to the rack of dresses.  There, just calling my name, was a light aqua evening gown that had been hundreds of dollars.  I looked at the reduced price tag . It was beautifully made, lined, and why it hadn't sold could only be was it was a lot of dress and very long.  Since I'm tall it was perfect and exactly my size.   Believe it or not I got out of the store , with that dress,  for a out of pocket cost of eight dollars. Talk about a bargain.

I wasn't planning on making this short, so I will continue on.  Tuesday I had dinner with a friend of mine that just returned from Russia after she and her husband had been in Hawaii on a job.  They saw a lot, but it was a tiring trip.  This was made more so by the fact that they both got sick.  Traveling isn't fun anymore.

A lot of calls from past men, they do come back.  One who I haven't heard from in ages called me and wants to get together.  I don't know if I will make arrangements with him or not.  He is adorable, but has a lot of personal problems and I don't need that.  I just got rid of all of mine and don't really want to hear or deal with anyone else's.

The nice looking older man called me and left me a great message on my cell phone.  He was trying to figure out how to down size his schedule so he could see me.  This week, as far as I'm concerned, is out.  I have so many meetings and things going on, that to drop everything and go out with him isn't going to happen, at least this week.

Desi is still out of town and may be back late tonight.  The last I heard from him or saw him was on Sunday, was Sunday when he left, but that is normal for him.  I try to keep a low profile with him.  I don't want him to think I'm needy or just sitting on my butt waiting to see him, I'm not.

So until the next time.