Saturday, December 10, 2011


What an experience yet once again.  I swear if I could get my hands around the neck of the first doctor I'd do him in.  This time around the operation went swimmingly.  I had the procedure at 3:30 on a Monday and on Wednesday, two days later I was released to return home.  Everyone at the hospital was amazed at how well I was doing.  The meds help that is for sure.

The operation was better then the first time, but no cake walk.  Although I have lots of people willing to help there is only so much anyone can do and the rest is up to you.  I really am blessed to have so many people around that want to help out, from my neighbor and her assistant, that helps her at her company, to my long time friends who have been there, changing bed linens, washing clothes, shopping for groceries etc, to the many, many phone calls I've had from friends and relatives alike.  Even the "boys" at the Veterans called to check up on me. 

Now the healing and re-hab begin.  The worse part of the whole thing right now is the burning of the tissue around the joint replacement.  My leg is a wonderful color of blue, purple, yellow and shades there of.  This time, not quite two weeks later I can manage with very little help from my cane.  Last time it was two months on a walker with ten days in a rest home.  Everyone I have talked to praises the doctor that did the operation.  The physical therapist said I was amazing and so far above his other patients he is only coming back one more time.  He has only been here once. The nurse is done next week too and the machine is out of here shortly.  I don't have to use it anymore.  So, my question is if I'm doing so great, why am I hurting?  I know, a healing process that takes time and patience. Time I have, patience is another story.

I will say today I under took cleaning the front of the house.  We had huge wind storms that dumped dirt all over the place and I can't stand a house that looks like the Gobi desert.  So a job that usually takes me forty five minutes took me four and a half hours....rested in between.

So now, it is time to put my legs up and forget things.  I am back among the living, kinda!