Wednesday, May 30, 2012

AS USUAL.........

My unpredictable Dez called yesterday afternoon and as usual announced that he wasn't making it back to California this week. The storms in Florida flooded his project and he was staying to see that things got back on schedule.  He said that finding pumps were a big problem.  He has changed his plane ticket three times, at some cost ,and is now planning on coming back next week. He did say he was going to try and stay in California through the month of June.  There is another project starting in Palm Springs that he has to begin and he will have to be out there. At least he is gainfully employed even though never available.  He did promise to take me out dancing two nights in a row and said he was being a good boy.  Like I believe that!

There is a project in Anaheim at Disneyland that he has been trying to keep up with from afar, and has to be back for a meeting next Thursday.  He said they weren't very pleased with his absence either, so I guess I'm not alone at being annoyed. So, another plan change and next week he will be here to see me Thursday and Friday.  Yeah right!  I'm beginning to feel like a sea captains wife.

The carpet cleaners showed up yesterday and flew through the house faster then a speeding bullet.  I've used this company for years and I do believe that they sold to another group.  I wasn't to happy with the result, plus they lied about the price, moving furniture and putting protectors under the furniture that they did move.  I won't be using them again. Next is the sprinkler man to adjust things as the gardeners don't seem to get the concept, then I'm done with all the house projects.

I take Mikee into the Vet today to get his annual check up...he will probably hide as he knows that something is afoot.  I got the carrier out last night and put it on top of the dining room table in hopes that he doesn't channel the idea that he will have to go into it.  That cat has ESP.

I talked to a man that lives in Walnut, California near San Francisco yesterday..  See another long distance guy in the group.  He is an EMT and a swimmer plus was a football player.  He's tall, dark and handsome, but of course younger, fifty five. To bad there isn't a tall dark and handsome older guy out there for me. He's never been married and his mother just passed away recently.  He was very involved taking care of her along with his sisters and another brother.  Anyway, we had a nice long talk and he said he wanted to chat again.  I think a lot of these men are just lonely and want to talk to someone.  He was extremely chatty and sounded nervous.  You would think at a certain age being nervous wouldn't be part of the equation. Did I mention he was Italian.

I've been staying home and trying to get things caught up around here.  I have also been reading more which I hadn't done for a while.  There have been two changes for the meetings for the Marine Corp Ball and I have other meetings I need to get to.  For some reason my iPhone has lost all of my appointments on my Calendar....I really need to back my appointments up with a hard copy at either an appointment book or on my computer.

Off to get ready to take my elusive cat to the Vet.

Monday, May 28, 2012


Saturday night I did go out to dinner with Vet man. We had a lovely dinner at the Blue Water Grille and then went to Nieuport 17 for a nightcap.  The singer and music were good.  The funny thing was the Dr. I had gone out with and decided not to see again was sitting in the corner with a new date.  He pretended not to see me even though I wiggled my fingers at him before Vet man and I sat down and he definitely saw me. To funny!

Vet man and I came home and the evening ended up with me being none to happy with him or me. I was thinking about Dez returning this coming week and I just couldn't make Vet man think that anything was going anywhere, I've been very clear and he knows as much.  However, he left mad and I went to bed thinking I wasn't going to see him again, my choice.  The next morning I sent him a text saying as much.  I received a terse reply, "K." and I thought so much for that.

I stayed home Sunday, although I had calls from the seventy four year old that lives in Tarzana,...doesn't anyone live close?  He had spent his life doing something with the racing group and was watching the Indy 500. He said he spent about eight months a year at Indy. I have never liked the racing crowd.  I always equated them with West Virginia and people that I really didn't want to know.  I suppose things have changed and of course he is no longer involved.  He had stayed in my hometown of Canton years ago and raced some sort of car at Mansfield's Speedway.  Ugh! I have no idea what he did with racing cars and didn't ask. He had a BBQ to go to and wanted to drive down to see me after he made his cameo appearance but I really wasn't in the mood to see anyone.  I told him no and I spent the day reading and relaxing.

This morning I had a text from Vet man asking if I had come to my senses and would I talk with him.  I did answer him and said I would.  I have to work with him on the Marine Corp Ball and I don't want it to be awkward. Things always seem to get complicated.

I worked in the garage a little today on the center pieces for the MCB and also outside early this morning dead heading flowers.  I really don't like yard work, but the gardeners don't always do what they are suppose to. 

Tomorrow the carpet cleaners come and I'm hoping that will be the last of my Spring cleaning.  I have to start making a concerted effort to look for a new sofa next.

Thanks to all who gave the ultimate sacrifice on this Memorial Day.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


In keeping with never knowing what is happening on the Dez front he isn't coming back this week from the South.  He called me last night, late, and from the noise in the background sounded like the bar was filled wherever he had landed.  He and his crew do keep themselves amused while they are gone.Seems I won the bet.

He was in a good mood and so was I.  I had already figured out this week wasn't going to work from his attempt at sending me emails that didn't come through due to the utility problems.  We had a great conversation and he filled me in on his schedule (subject to change) and will be back in town next week Wednesday.  He is leaving the South on Tuesday but stopping in Arizona to see his new grand baby. He said he would be here to be with me on Thursday and Friday.

After I hung up I realized that Thursday wasn't going to work for me as I had a late meeting and wouldn't be home until after ten at night.  I emailed him the information.  I heard back and he said he would try and figure out what we could do.  Then I remembered that we had talked about Paella and how we didn't think there was a restaurant in Orange County that served it.  Well, I found two and there are probably more.  I emailed him the info and he sent back what was my choice.  I didn't know if he was talking about the nights or the restaurants and said as much in a return email.  I'm not getting to excited about anything and things will work out one way or the other.  If it doesn't it doesn't.

In the meantime, the Judge contacted me and said he was totally embarrassed.  He couldn't take me out for several weeks due to the fact his finances are nil because of his pending divorce and buying a new home.  I replied that he needed to do what he needed to do and I understood.  Seems his bank account was cleaned out by his future ex wife and she closed all the credit cards.  He was the one that left and a women scorned and all that. I understand and told him to take it day by day and not worry about seeing me.

Then the seventy four year old boat guy emailed me that he was extremely disappointed we couldn't go out.  I could have, but don't want to.  The other interesting email I had was from a forty five year old that wanted to go out Saturday.  You can't say I don't have choices.  I told him I was busy and added that perhaps another time.  He got totally pissed and basically told me I was rude to him and goodbye.  Eeek!  Another overly sensitive freaky guy.  I wouldn't have gone out with him anyway as he is way to young. He just supplied more fodder in case I decide another book needs to be written.

This morning Vet man asked me to hold Saturday open.  He had sent an email about meeting for the Marine Corp Ball with the committee.  I told him Dez was in the wind and gave him a couple dates I couldn't meet for the Ball.  He said he would contact me about dinner Saturday night.  I'm not sitting home doing nothing, waiting around for Dez to show up, so everyone settle down.

I'm off with my good friend Marcia to see the Johnny Depp movie Dark Shadows.  Have to finish getting ready.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I have been sitting here this morning going over in my head the last couple of weeks.  Since I went back on line, the flood gates have opened again.  I never would have gone back online if Dez hadn't made it clear that he thought I should have a supplemental, his word for someone else,  since he travels all the time.  I frankly think he just wants to be able to do what he wants to do and that little word "commitment" doesn't exist for him.  I know he has been hurt (haven't we all.) I will give him "A" for honestly as he told me from the get go that he only wanted casual.  We are casual, but for both of us it doesn't seem like it sometimes. Dez thinks I've been going out anyway, and I guess I have, but not the way he thinks.  He flat out told me that he thought I was to pretty to sit home. I've never thought of myself as pretty but I'm willing to accept the compliment.  Now I wonder where he thinks a women my age finds someone other then online?

I have no intention of looking for someone that will be a permanent fixture.  I did that for forty years and look where it got me.  I know you never know someone no matter how close you are to them and that was certainly proved true with my long gone husband. If anyone had told me I'd be dating and going out with a myriad of men at my age I would have told them they were delusional.  Also, if they had told me our relationship would have ended in the toilet I would have also told them, " no way!"  I do wish things could have been different but it is the choices one makes and I have no one to blame but me.

There is a side to the coin that is good.  I can pretty much date at will and these men do take me to wonderful places.  The other side of the coin is there are an awful lot of frogs out there.  I find most guys want someone permanently.  That supports my one friends theory that you better read the obituaries and get to the guy left behind within twenty four hours or he is taken by the cassarole brigade.  Of course there isn't a man in the world, unless he is dead, that doesn't think with his zipper.  I don't care if they are twenty or eighty five. The part I don't like is fending them off. There isn't anyone but Dez that I feel a connection to.....something to be said for chemistry.  Some of them are respectful to a point but it is always in their minds.  This isn't a surprise but it is tireing.

I've been keeping busy with my house and trying to get things organized.  I also have had a couple of wonderful girl friends that I've had lunch and dinner with in the last several weeks that make me laugh. We girls always seem to have a great time together.

Last night and this morning I've heard from four different men that want to meet.  One lives seventy five miles away, one close by and the rest are about fifty miles.  The oldest one is seventy four and has a large ocean going power boat, which he posted a picture of online.  He says he will drive the extra miles because he thinks I'm worthwhile.  It is amazing what these men will say just to get a date. I'm not sure about driving around with a man that age.  I have found that younger guys seem to have a handle on that steering wheel thing and going out in the ocean on a large power boat  is a concern.

My Judge asked me out and then thought perhaps he might have his daughter this weekend.  That is fine.  I heard from Dez, who is still in the South.  His email didn't come through due to utility problems and he emailed late last night to say he would call me today.  Since we are suppose to go out Thursday I'm not sure if he will be back or not.  I'm betting not. I always put question marks after his name on my calendar.  He is so unpredictable. Vet man sends me a text almost everyday and since we had such a nice dinner at the Yacht Club Sunday  has been contacting me a lot.

I keep thinking I just need to pull in my horns and be happy by myself.  I can pretty much do that most of the time, but s I told Dez I think everyone needs a person.....he calls himself my boyfriend and I call him my AWOL boyfriend.  It seems to work most of the time for us, kinda

I do wish I could go back and change things but you can't change the past, you can only learn from it.  You also can't predict the future.  One has to live everyday for the day and try to be happy and have fun, at least to a degree.

I wish that life would be a little smoother and easier instead of a job.  I know that I'm very lucky for a lot of reasons and I am happy most of the time.  You can wish all you want but ultimately you have to make things happen.

Monday, May 21, 2012


I've returned to my twenties as of yesterday.  I had Brunch with the Judge and dinner with Vet man.  Both were pleasant outings but two dates in one day is a little over the top, even for me.

This morning the exterior painters that Dez had come down showed up in the early a.m.  They are moving fast and will only take one day to finish.  This silly house has five colors on it which makes it a job to paint.

I have a meeting for five seconds this morning and then I need to do a few errands that are important.  A Costco run, which isn't to important.  Tonight I'm home.  I was home most of the weekend and starting working on the garage Saturday. What a job.  Of course the weather being in the nineties didn't help.  I gave up after about two hours and decided I would dig in another day. I've dumped things so many times and still have a ton of junk to go through. I think it multiplies while I'm sleeping.

I get my stitches out tomorrow at the dermatologist.  My friend is talking me and then we are going to look for a sofa.  Mine is fourteen years old and the fabric, which is cotton, is finally giving up the ghost.  I've washed the seat covers so many times through the years it has decided to start splitting. I've always had white sofas so don't know if I'll stay with that this time.  There is a place near by that custom makes sofas and I will be looking into that.  I want bench seats on either end so I can see the fireplace and I think a custom sofa will probably be the only way I can get what I want.

Off to get started on my day.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


This week has gotten away from me.  I had a meeting on Monday morning then came home to pay bills and play catch up. Tuesday I had a great day with a really good girlfriend of mine. We spent the day lunching and talking then having coffee together. We don't spend a lot of time together but when we do see each other we pick up like it was yesterday.  I'm glad to have her in my life.

Wednesday was workman day at the house.  The window washers and gutter cleaners came and boy did my windows and screens need cleaned inside and out.  I ordered a new garage door, my old wood one was rotting on the bottom from the sprinklers, and they showed up to install same.  I had planned on a retractable screen door man to install new retractable screens on the front and back doors, but he came over and told me that the company hadn't delivered them so he would be here on Saturday.  I tried to have everyone come on one day so I'm not tied up every day, that didn't work out.

The exterior paint man that Dez sent down is coming on Monday morning next week, then Mega Maids to do a Spring cleaning for me and finally the carpet cleaners.  That should hold me for a few months. I really need new flooring since my cat Camille thinks this carpet is her personal scratching post. Would love to put in hard wood but I need more money for that at this time.
Dez surprised me with an email that said he was back in town and would I be available.  I wasn't expecting him until next week but he met a man that he worked with ten years ago in Florida and the guy flew him back to California to meet with Disneyland people for a new restaurant that is going in.  They were flying back tonight on the private jet the man has access to.  I don't know if it is his or a corporate jet, but I can tell you it is the way to go.  I've been blessed enough to have good friends that have their own jet and I've flown with them to Hawaii, Florida and the East Coast.  It spoils you and it makes you really dislike commercial flying.

Dez will have his crew start the job next week and will be coming back from Florida on Wednesday.  He did come over late yesterday afternoon and we spent time together.  He was on East Coast time and needed to go back home as he was working at his office today in LA. but made plans to take me out next Thursday when he returns from the East.

 He always fluffs me up but insists that I have six other boyfriends besides him.  I asked why he thought that and he said it was because I was to pretty and smart to be alone.  Ha, little does he know, I spend a lot of time alone. Being pretty is not all it is cracked up to be.  I have a tendency to intimidate most men unless they have a strong sense of self worth. Men and their fragile egos!

 I think it is the pot calling the kettle black, as he is probably the one with six girlfriends, although with the way he works I don't know where he would find the time.  I think he was just blowing smoke.

I did go back online when Dez told me I should have a fill in.  I know I should but I hate starting the "dance" again.  I went through so many men and none of them were worth my time.  I've resigned myself that he is who he is and it is just fun. but being by oneself is better then going out with someone that bores you to death.  I'm trying to find a fill in for the occasional date.  Vet man wants to be "plan B," but he is tied up and I don't need another absent man.  Defeats the whole purpose.

I heard from a man this morning that is a Superior Court Judge. He didn't have his picture on the site and said it was because he didn't want to end up on some lawyers Facebook page.  He did give me a newspaper to check out that had articles and his picture posted.  He wants to meet me and I'm debating.  He isn't close by, about fifty miles or so inland, same distance as Dez.  The other problem is he is only fifty three, although I'd rather be with someone young then my age. Like I said before there is only one man I know that is my age that acts and thinks young, the rest are old fogies.

Today is a home day and I'm hoping to get a few things done although I haven't decided what.

Onwards and upwards.

Friday, May 11, 2012

THE WEEK...............

So, today is Thursday and it has been a busy week so far. I had a two hour meeting Tuesday night, Wednesday evening was dinner with my ex neighbor.  We always have a great time together and it is fun to catch up with her.  She and her husband travel a lot so it is few and far between our getting together. We had a couple drinks and bar food and spent two and a half hours chatting.

The boy front has been busy too.  Dez is leaving for his job site in the Southeast and several other States.  He will probably be back in a couple weeks.  He says he will see me before June but I'll believe that when it happens.  He is going fishing with his buddies and son in Canada for the Memorial Day weekend so he will have to squeeze time in sometime before.  We were both happy with our date on Saturday and reaffirmed we really had a great time.

I have a man contacting me that is a retired Professor that lives in Florida.  He is from Holland and is a widower.  I don't know why he is contacting me as Florida is on the other coast and I certainly don't want him here nor do I plan on going there to meet him.  Oh well, I guess people are just bored and want to communicate. He is requesting an IM on Yahoo.  I don't think that is going to happen.

Today is lunch with a man that lives in the area and then my Doctor friend for dinner tonight.  Seems food seems to be the center of every one's world.

Vet man has been touching base as always, but is so busy with traveling and Vet things that I haven't seen him.  I don't have much time anyway as things are busy, busy for me.

Linkedin, which is a professional site, brought me a contact that I may have seen several years ago, I really don't remember.  He obviously wasn't someone I wanted to date or he would have been around.  He sent me his phone number and said he is now retired and would I call him.  Weird!  I just don't remember him.

The man from Newport Beach that I told I didn't want to have dinner with, is still pushing for dinner.
It is amazing to me that men can't take no for an answer. He gave me an excuse that coffee wouldn't work because he didn't get back into town from NYC and then had to go to his office.  After looking at his picture again it would be a waste of my time.  Not to mention I really don't want to spend two hours with someone at a dinner in a restaurant that I may not like.

If Dez hadn't told me I should find a "supplemental" while he was on the road so I could go out I wouldn't probably be doing this.  It is usually a disappointment and I do hate to go out with people that I feel no connection to whatsoever. Frankly I don't need the food. Dez is right though, I can't sit around waiting for him to appear although that is okay too.  I have enough to do and I don't mind my own company.

My friends called yesterday to invite me to a Mother's Day Brunch.  See, more food.  I swear I'll never lose more weight this way.

I'm continuing this Blog on Friday after my lunch and dinner date.  The lunch date was really a bust.  He certainly didn't look like his picture and was overweight, no moustache and had a pronounced limp from a broken leg and appeared much older then his supposed sixty one.  How special!  He was nice enough but was looking for a permanent relationship.  Not going to happen with this girl.

Then last night the Dr. picked me up in his snazzy Caddie.  He is a nice man, two years younger then I am but looks and acts a lot older.  He is slight, not quite six foot tall, much to his dismay, but again a nice man.  He took me to Bistango, which was a little hard for me to go to as Dez and I had just been there Saturday night.  The food is wonderful and the service was good.  It was an enjoyable evening but very benign. I kept thinking, what was i doing with this old man.

I am always honest with the men I do go out with, which are few and far between.  I tell them about Dez and tell them that I basically am looking for a supplemental while Dez is out of town.  This Dr. said he was applying for the position and would I please consider him.  I thought that was pretty funny.  I will probably not see him again, although he would like to see me. I've encouraged him to keep looking on the dating site.  I told him he shouldn't limit himself and that there were a lot of gals out there that would love to be with him.  He turned around and asked me out for tonight.  He said he had never met anyone like me.  Probably not.

I have a meeting early Saturday, so I told him if we did go out for a drink and a bite to eat it would have to be early and I needed to get home early. It will just be the Elephant Bar. I was suppose to go to a Vet meeting the night we did go out, but I totally forgot about it.  My ride called and I sent him a text that Bistango sounded a lot better then a Vet meeting.  He agreed. 

Going out usually is a bore.  I compare the time I have with these guys to Dez and there is no comparison.  We not only like each other, we really like each other.  It is to bad that we don't see each more, but then maybe it wouldn't be so special when we do. Really staying home is better then going out and counting the minutes until you can get back home.

 I sometimes wish I hadn't met Dez as he set the bar high even if he is not the kind of guy that a women should want.  There is a level of fun that we have that I don't have with anyone else.  Good Lord you would think I'd be over that by now, but it just seems to get stronger with each passing month.  We have been seeing each other for the last twenty months....time goes fast when your having fun.  I think I've been through ever gamut of emotion with him and it does keep us connected somehow.  There are no strings between us and as long as I keep that in my mind and just take it for what it is I'll be fine.

So I'm keeping busy...Mother's Day I'm going to brunch with a group of people I know and it should be a nice day. 

Happy Mother's Day to all.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Poor Dez was up all night directing his crew to correct a major plumbing problem at the store he just finished in Beverly Hills.  He had allowed his main foreman to leave at noon and he was the designated guy to oversee the workers.  Construction is never an easy thing, so many things can go wrong.  He was so cute he called me several times and the last time he called I could hear the jack hammers in the background.  He said he wanted to be sure  knew he was telling the truth.  Actually I never doubted him.  He is a workaholic and a perfectionist and spends most of his waking hours, which are considerable since he only sleeps four or five hours a night, thinking about his business.

He finally arrived Saturday morning after calling me to say he was on his way. He arrived around ten.  He was dead on his feet after twenty eight straight hours of being awake and went right to bed. After four hours of sleep  I gave him something to eat and we proceeded to get ready to go to the Preforming Arts Center to see "Million Dollar Quartet"  which was a great play and lots of musical fun from the fifties.  For those of you who don't know what the play is about I suggest you Google it.  It was an hour and a half of memories.

We were noticed by so many people wondering who we were.  There was one women that Dez said kept looking me up and down at least three times.  I wasn't over dressed, but better dressed then most if not all of the crowd.  Dez had a cashmere sweater on with a sport coat all in black and I wore a color block Calvin Klein dress with high heels and black nylons.  We always get lots of comments from strangers when we are together and when we return to a place we have been before they remember us. I think it is because we are both tall and both of us always dress.

After the play we went to Bistango and ordered food in the bar.  Bistango has wonderful food and is well worth going to eat and dance.  The combo last night was really good and played old school music. We saw a couple that we have seen at several other places, one of them being the Balboa Bay Club.  They commented on the fact the hadn't seen us recently.  They think we are married as so many other people do. Dez and I have decided we are the same coin. We stayed for a short time, ate,danced one dance and returned home around eleven thirty.

We had the waitress take a couple pictures of us.  Dez's beard came out really white and it isn't quiet that white in person.  He looks like Ernest Hemmingway. I look butt white in the picture.  We decided it was the flash.   The waitress commented that we both looked really happy.  We were and it was a great evening.  God knows when he will surface again, but while we are together it is magic.

So, will let you know if there is anything on the dating front.  I have several emails on my phone so will check them out and see what is up.  Although like I told Dez, I would rather sit home and look at the walls then go out with someone I have no connection with.

This morning Dez cooked his special pancakes, did a few honey do's for me and then left around noon.  We both said that this date was one of the best we have had and although we have had great times this one was special.  I just realized we have been seeing each other for nineteen months.  Time does go fast. 

It will be interesting to see what this week brings.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


 I swear the Gods of dating are working overtime to screw the time up that Dez and I have together.  Yesterday, he was suppose to come down to take me out.  He called late in the afternoon, just about the time he was suppose to leave from Beverly HIlls.  The store that he had just got his finals on from the Inspector had a huge problem with an interior sewer pipe.  Dez had let his foreman go for the weekend and he was the only game in town.  He told me that he didn't know how long it would take, but after putting a camera in the pipe it didn't look good.

The original time for him to leave Beverly Hills was about eleven at night.  Well it turned into a whole night affair.  He called me to let me hear the jack hammers so I didn't think he was telling me a big story.  He then said he might make it down at three or four in the morning.  That didn't happen.  I talked to him this morning and he said that another Ispector had shown up and now wanted the area . slurried. His plumbing subs were troopers and had stayed all night to get the job done. He had found someone to cover the slurry sub  today so if the guy shows up when he is suppose to Dez will be here around eleven.  He didn't sleep all night so he will go right to bed to play catch up on his sleep.  It is a good thing I am well versed in what can happen in construction or I'd be not believing a word.

Since he has tickets for us tonight to see Million Dollar Quartet he needs to stay and I'm hoping he gets at least five hours of sleep.  He never sleeps very much so that should do it. I swear if he wasn't my "poison of choice" I'd send him off into the sunset.  The trouble is I haven't found anyone I like as well as I like him, although I keep trying.

There is a guy that lives in Newport Beach that has been trying to take me to dinner and I said I would prefer to meet him for coffee first.  I'm not really sure if I want to do that or not,we'll see.

Vet man sent me a text yesterday saying I needed to have someone love me and then sequed into wanting to unzip me.  It is a good thing that all of this sexual enuendo is something I've contended with all my life.  I take it all with a grain of salt and sometimes find it really funny.  Men are so predictable.

More after I find out what is happening with Dez and group.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

SIX DEGREES.........

Good Lord this County is way to small.  Talk about six degrees of separation.  Tonight I met a man, age seventy one, for coffee.  He was very pleasant, turned out to be a retired doctor that had been a surgeon and was recently widowed about nine months ago.  I never asked his last name but we had a nice chat at Starbucks.

After we finished our coffee he asked if I would like to go for a drink and dinner at a near by restaurant and since I was having a nice time with him I said yes.  We had a drink at the bar, went to a table and since neither one of us was very hungry we split a salad.  When we were done he gave me his card which I immediately put in my purse.

I returned home and called Nancy.  As I was talking to her I pulled out his card and saw his last name.  Forty years ago, my husband had been friends with he and his wife and we had received a Christmas card from them which included a picture.  This wife was one he divorced years ago.  I couldn't believe it. I swear it is scary.  He wants to call me again and if he does I will tell him about my husband knowing him way back when.  There was a whole group of doctors from Orange County that followed football and this guy was one that was in that group that knew my husband. It actually was prior to me marrying.

I also heard from a man that lives in Lake Forest, that is about five miles from here.  He is 6'3" tall in his sixties and asked me if I would like to go to lunch.  I'm going to do just that.  Life if to short not to take advantage of what is offered to you.

Dez is coming down tomorrow for the weekend so it will be a fun weekend with the Performing Arts thrown in for entertainment.  Not that we can't entertain ourselves nicely.

I can't wait to see what next week brings.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


So, another week and today is Wednesday.  I had an early meeting for two hours on Monday and then a dental appointment.  Maintenance takes a lot of time.

Tuesday I went into my gal for a mani/pedi.  She has been doing my nails for ten years or more and I try to get in at least once a month.  I change my polish just about everyday to keep things fresh but need a pro to really make them look presentable.  My nails do not grow and after twenty years of acrylics ruining my nails I decided to let the chips fall where they may with short nails.

Last night I went to a meeting that lasted from five o'clock to eleven.  We did have dinner, but for me it is just to long to be in one place.

On to the dating sites.  It has been an interesting couple of days.  I had gone on a site that is called Wealthy Men.  Why not?  Better to see someone with money then without.  All of a sudden I've been contacted by four guys on that site, two of those fairly acceptable in the looks department.  I do get a ton of compliments telling me how young I look and they are a little younger in their sixties. Yea for me. I can't take to much credit for the way I look as genetics helped play a big part.  I have a couple friends that are the same age and they too look young.  Of course maintenance helps.  I'll see where this goes, if anywhere.

Then on Match, the men keep pouring in.  I've been viewed over six thousand times and contacted by numerous guys most of which I wouldn't give the time of day.  Out of those there are two that I might meet for is really a pig in the poke out there. At least I can date at will and most women can't.

The baby showed  up last Friday, although Dez has not been there to see her.  He is still in Florida and Alabama and is headed home tomorrow.  I sent him an email regarding something that he needed to know and he immediately emailed back telling me about the baby arriving. 

Dez said he had tickets for the Performing Arts for Saturday night for us and was going to come down on Friday too.  Now, he hasn't been to see his son's new baby and he said it is because there are to many people from his son's wife's side there and he didn't think that his son wanted him there yet.  There is always the possibility that he will segue into Phoenix and this weekend won't happen.  One never knows with him, but I'm staying out of the family thing and he will do what he needs to do.

Last night I found myself being hit on by several guys at the meeting....none of them of any interest.  One announced that he thought I looked like a movie star and where did I get my hair done....I don't, I do it myself, and the other announcing that he thought I was beautiful.  Since men are generally full of it, I take it all with a grain of salt.  Even the women were announcing to their husbands to guess how old I was.  It is a damn shame I didn't parlay all this supposed looks thing into a meaningful career.  Smart to late.

Vet man has contacted me several times but I haven't seen him.  We have a meeting Tuesday night next week and I will see him at the meeting.

So Dez is back on my plate, I get to get dressed up, my favorite thing, and see someone that I have total chemistry with and vice versa.  I did have a "come to Jesus" about him and I've made up my mind to just have fun with him and that's that. I don't want anyone twenty four seven, as I've said before. When we do get together it is great.

Will report on upcoming things going on