Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I'm good to go for another three to five years.  The actual colonoscopy was a snap to get through, the prep is another story.  Ugh!  I awoke at five in the morning the day of the procedure and was suppose to drink more of that wretched liquid.  That didn't work at the hour in the morning.  Blah!  I just figured they'd have to deal and do whatever they could.  They found a few minor things, but all is fine.

My good friend drove up from South County, above and beyond the all of duty, to pick me up and schlep me to my appointment.  She came back to pick me up and we went to lunch.  I'm always glad to see her and we have a great connection.  It is nice to be able to talk to someone about anything without having them be judgemental. Some of it is our ages that are close, and the other is our personalities that mesh.  I'm forever greatfull to my husband who introduced me to she and her husband years ago, when he sold them a house. We have maintained a friendship ever since.

After lunch she dropped me off and I decided I better rest since Vet man was picking me up up to go to dinner that evening.  I couldn't sleep but did stay prone on the sofa.  Vet man showed up right on time, usually he is early, and we had a drink before we left the house.  He is so involved in the Elks and is working the Convention for six thousand people in the hospitality suite.  The suite isn't open to all, just about fifty or so people.  He asked me if I could help and I told him I would.  I'm not thrilled with wearing an Elk golf type shirt.  they are so ugly, at least on me.  I've never been a t-shirt person.

It is nice to go out with someone and have a decent conversation about a lot of things without worrying about being pawed to death afterwards.  He had turned into a good friend. At least on my end of it.  He just got back from the Caymans with his daughter and her friend and they had a great time.  He needed that break from some personal things and his job with the veterans at the hospital.

During the day I sent Bruno an email telling him I was finished with my icky procedure and he responded asking if we could do Saturday night instead of Friday.  Saturday is actually better as Friday is a nightmare on the freeways for him and he can get her earlier on Saturday.  He is changing out a wall plug for me and will get here a little earlier in the day.  I shot myself in the foot after our "dust up." The garbage disposal he was going to change for me ended up by me hiring a plumber that cost me a friggin fortune to have installed.

It is going to be Cinco d Mayo, at least I imagine they will celebrate it on Saturday not Friday, I told him that we should make reservations wherever it is we will be going.  He said I thought I would like La Cave better then the Elks, how right he was, and that is where we will be headed Saturday night.

La Cave has a DJ spinning top 40's, 80's and 90's music.  La Cave also has the best food.  The restaurant has been there since the sixties and it is in the basement of a building.  You take an elevator down to the place.  I'm hoping things go alright.  Bruno and I have had our moments as of late, although he did come down and take me to lunch last week.

Tonight I'm headed for the Elks for a meeting and tomorrow I have dinner plans with an ex-neighbor of mine.  She and I have remained friends for over thirty five years. So today I'm headed out to do errands and see someone that is in the hospital before I go to my meeting.

The week is pretty much planned.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


My standby Vet man is back from the Cayman Islands and called today.  He asked me out to dinner for Monday night.  I have a friend that is after him and she has no idea that we see each other occasionally.  All of us are on the Marine Corp Ball Committee so we will be seeing each other once or twice a month, if not more.  I did see him at the meeting last week but it was short and sweet.  He left afterward to go to another meeting and I left to go home.

It is another weekend, God the time goes fast, and I at least got a few things done.  Two cabinets in the service porch cleaned out and organized, ironing, watering plants, vacuuming, which I do everyday and various little things to take up the day.  Around 3:30 I pooped out and fell asleep on the sofa for a half an hour.

I should make it a point to go out as the weather is beautiful.  In the high 80's.  I haven't even gone out to the mailbox and it is after six.  Guess I should make an effort to walk the one hundred and eighty steps and pick up the mail.

I'm continuing this on Sunday.  I've been awake since 7:30.  Today is the day I get myself prepared for the colonoscopy I'm having tomorrow.  A very good friend of mine is coming up from South County to take me for this lovely ordeal.  I'm hoping this is the last of my maintenance appointments for the year. I'm not hungry, which is a good thing since you can only have clear fluids. To wile away the time I've been reading my Kindle and dozing. How productive.

Nothing much else to write about right now as everything has been quite on the home front.and I am hoping it stays that way.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


I did go to my Marine Corp Ball meeting.  Everyone and I mean everyone kept asking me what was wrong.  First of all I ordered a club soda to drink, that threw them, as I always have scotch and water.  Secondly, I was fairly quiet and business like. I have been in a pissy mood over a lot of things.  Bruno, finances, house and me maintenance.  I know everything passes and things smooth out one way or the other, but in the meantime it is difficult to get through some things.

The meeting went fairly well.  There were a few suggestions that I didn't agree with such as moving the venue to Garden Grove.  We had around two hundred and twenty people last year and the probably will be more attending this time.  The revenue from the bar alone is substantial and Santa Ana could use that money.  It remains to be seen if that happens. Everything ended up in the air and the next meeting, next month, we should have a better handle on things.

Ah yes, the Bruno saga.  We had many short emails back and forth.  He had gone to Alabama a week early due to our "dust up."  I asked if he meant the dust storm in  Alabama or our dust up. I got an answer back that said,  "Jesus Christa"  OURS!  I think I frustrate him as much as he frustrates me.

He was coming to Orange County to make arrangements to get one of his cars spiffed up and we made arrangements to go to lunch.  After almost three years of seeing each other saying good bye online didn't seem right.

He said I was totally over reacting.  That Maude was married and after checking the internet, she is married to a high profile retired Judge who handles Zsa Zsa Gabors affairs. Bruno and only he had been invited to this fund raising dinner. It wasn't a date etc, etc, etc. He just sat next to her.  He said he isn't seeing anyone else....I can believe that since he is never in town and travels all the time.  He is a work alcoholic, normally working seven days a week.  Now that he has bought this energy company and is thinking about buying a factory near Mexico, plus building Holiday Expresses all over the country, his time is limited.  He tries to see his kids and grand kids, who live all over the country as often as he can.  So time to date is limited.

I know I said over was over, but truthfully I can't do that at this time.  I have an investment in Arizona with him and fourteen others and I don't want to shoot myself in the foot by saying good bye forever ,and the money, although I know good bye is in the future.  I swear vacillation should be my middle name. I could go into all the other reasons, but at this time I should just keep my mouth shut, not something I do well, and bite the bullet. He is who he is and so am I.  He is in Arizona this weekend for a first birthday and when he comes back we have a date to go out on Friday night.  I know, I'm crazy, but I'm hoping I'm crazy like a fox.

Actually I should be pleased that things are what they are.  It gives me time to do what I want to do when I want to do it. Heavens knows I have plenty to do.  I'm digging myself out of my funk and know if I could get the bags under my eyes to go away from sinuses and crying I'll be in great shape.  Maybe time for another eye lift.  Ha!

So the saga goes on.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


I probably should take the heading of Online Senior Dating off of this Blog since I've been off those sites for months. Now that I've wasted three years of my life with Bruno I feel I really am to old to get back into that fray.  It isn't that I can't meet men, I do, but I just can't meet one I like.  I guess that is why I was so taken with Bruno.  We had such a strong chemistry and compatibility. So much for that idea

Through the last three years off and on I've dated doctors, lawyers, judges, business men, stockbrokers, you name it.  I've found that there wasn't one of these men that didn't have one thing on their mind.  My friend blames it all on Viagra. She may be right.  You either have chemistry with them or not and not is a big word in my thinking.  I guess that is why I know so many women that prefer to be alone. It is such a hassle.

Yesterday I sat in a pile on the couch and didn't do one thing. I had a long talk with myself about going onward and upward. Today I feel a lot better and will try to organize my "train crash" thoughts into a more positive look forward.

I'm going to a meeting tonight for the 2nd Annual Marine Corps Birthday Ball.  I wasn't going to get involved again, as it is a lot of work.  Considering I have nothing else to do at this point I at least will have a focus instead of sitting around saying, " poor me."

As my one friend points out, most of us are very blessed.  We have a roof over our heads, lots to eat, friends that love us, and general good health.  I am trying to remember this and not be maudlin about my goodbye to Bruno, which was going to happen sooner or later. There were a few reasons I was still hanging on having to do with an investment I made with him and others in Arizona. I may have shot myself in the foot by ending our relationship, but for my sanity I just couldn't continue. His ground rules were all for him and I was stupid enough to agree.  I know myself and I don't like to share.

Today is another day and I have lots to do around the house before I head out to the meeting this evening.  Positive is going to be a word I'm going to get into my vocabulary.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

LAST NIGHT................

I attended a meeting last night being held in our neighborhood.  There is a women that lives here that is spearheading a disaster relief organization for the two hundred plus home owners we have in our tract.

This women is working close with the City of Irvine and the first responders such as the fire department, police department, and gas company.  She and the committee, which she wants me to join, are working on holding a BBQ in Sept.to have the above groups come to speak about what is to be done in case of a major disaster, such as earthquake or flood.  It is not a question of if, but when.

We do have the Irvine companies Rattlesnake Dam behind us and should there be a major quake it is a strong possibility that the earthen dam would affect us.

I don't know if I want to get involved in yet another thing.  I'm again on the Marine Ball Committee for the event in November and it takes a lot of work.  I also joined a book club,finally, and will be going to that discussion, albeit, only once a week.

The huge problem that looms is the fact that a lot of the people living in this tract are another ethnicity.  We have Indian, Korean, Chinese, Iranian, and other ethnic people, some who do not speak English. Getting anyone to participate in anything is questionable. Telling them what is going on and having them understand it is another story.

I am always in awe of people that want to get so involved in doing things.  I have always been someone who doesn't like to join groups.  I've forced myself to get involved and it usually works out okay, but it still isn't my preference.  I would probably be a recluse if I didn't push myself out the door.

I've always found, that even in a crowd, I stand alone.  It's a funny feeling not to be connected even though you are connected.  This is not a new feeling but one that I've had all my life.  Kind of like "alone in the crowd."  I think it is because I never have really found my niche.  There are so many things I could have done, but I couldn't really focus on one thing that would have been something that would have made the alone feeling go away.

My job in Beverly Hills was probably the closet thing I had to melding with other people.  Now that I'm behind the "Orange Curtain." in the land of soccer moms and bedroom city it has magnified the out of place feeling.  Funny that I can fit in anywhere but nowhere.

Enough of being maudlin.  I need to get myself busy today and go through some of the garage.  What fun that will be . Even though I've gotten rid of tons of things I still have more to get rid of.  I'm never sorry to see items go.  Cathartic for sure.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

DUST UP......

I think, I finally have had a "come to Jesus" moment with Bruno.  He has pulled and said one thing to many that has put me over the edge.

He had established when we met that our relationship was going to be casual.  I accepted that and we have been going out for almost three years on that premise.  However, being casual and having other women rubbed in my face is not acceptable.

When he came to see me Wednesday after almost five weeks he wasn't in the house five minutes when he announced he was going to a fund raising dinner Saturday night and asked me to guess who his date was.  He had mentioned this before he left for Spain, but I had forgotten the whole thing.  Well out of his mouth came the Swedish model/actress Maude Adams.  She was in the James Bond movies and was Octopussy.  I didn't say anything at the time, but after he left I got angry and sent him an email that told him he wasn't very smart for a smart man.

Let's face it, casual or not, a women doesn't want to hear about another women, especially when the man she is with has beddy bye plans and announces this little bit of news.  I sent him a scathing email and in response got a since we had this "dust up," his words ,he felt neither one of us would have a pleasant evening Friday and he wasn't driving down. Boy was he right on that one.  He did have the courtesy to say it was a very hard decision.

I thought about all of the things he has pulled in all the time I've known him and decided for my sanity I needed to end this relationship.  It was a hard decision on my part but I know no matter how painful it is I need to stop seeing him.  It is so hard at my age to find anyone that is acceptable and in my wisdom I've again, gone for the "bad boy."  Guess we never grow up.

Since we met online I thought it only fitting that I end it, by email, online.  The interesting thing is the response I got from him mentioned nothing about my email saying I was saying good bye to him.    He just said he had gone to bed early Friday night, ALONE...... that statement was not related to anything I had put in my email.  He has done this before.  I think he thinks if he ignores things that it it will go away.

I received his above non response on Saturday.  He keeps saying let the dust settle.  I know he is leaving town this coming week and will be gone until the middle of the week following.  After a back and forth exchange, I ended up saying I was trying to be Zen at this point and he said " great, lets both be Zen."

Of course nothing has changed.  He still went out with Maude, although he said it wasn't a date and he hadn't asked her but had been included as a one man show to go to this fund raiser for the LA mayor's. race by his Swedish friends. Actually she probably is perfect for him.  Five foot nine, (my height) sixty eight, attractive and famous and lives in Los Angeles.  Whether he spent the night with her is up for grabs.  It is Hollywood/Beverly Hills after all.  He had previously dated Julie Newmar who just turned eighty, so older women, who are famous, are in his DNA. I remember asking him one time, "why since he knew all these high powered women he was dating me."  That response was it was because he liked me. Yeah right.....just not enough.  I will no longer put up with being second best.

I don't know if I will ever hear from him again after the exchange we had and frankly I hope that this is the end.  I can't keep doing this yo-yo thing with him and his inability to commit to anything drives me crazy. I'm tired of being upset and I've probably have cried more tears over him then I have my whole life over anyone.  This isn't me and I deserve better then to be someone's booty call when he is in town.  Of course I figure not many women will put up with his being gone all the time.

So, we will see if the above holds true and I can get on with my life.....I certainly hope so.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Bruno drove to Orange County to see me yesterday for a nano second. He walked in saying,  "honey I'm home."  After almost five weeks it is about time.

 My garbage disposal is still kaput and he told me he would see i f he could fix it.  I didn't have an Allen wrench so he told me he would bring one. When he arrived he had some kind of tool in his hand, not an Allen wrench.  He said he had gone to his warehouse and couldn't find what he was looking for and decided he better get on the freeway or he would never get to my place. As it was it took him almost two hours.

I have a feeling that the garbage disposal is shot but he said when he comes back on Friday with Allen wrench in hand he would fix it or replace it for me.He did try the stick thing but that didn't work either.  It turns and hums but that is it. He was short on time so it didn't get fixed. Nice to have a man that knows what they are doing. In my youth when I was planning on four husbands, my thought was that one of them should know construction.  Well, he isn't a husband, but he knows construction inside and out.

I don't like asking anyone for help but he told me it wasn't a problem.  Maybe I should make a list of all the little things I need done and he can get to it.  Ha!

He had two meetings scheduled, so after being with me for a couple hours he left to do whatever it is he does. He is coming back early afternoon on Friday and then Friday night we are going out to dinner, no dancing, at least for me, the toe is not able to do a jig yet. He is so funny.  He loves to dance and said he would have to ask someones wife to dance and tell them his girlfriend was broken.  I'll give him broken!

After he took off I decided to leave and take a tip to a waitress that I didn't tip the other night.  She is such a sweetheart and  it just got lost in the shuffle, so off I went to do that.  It also was spaghetti night at the Elks and I thought I'd also go there and have dinner.

There is a man at the Elks, my age, that has been trying to date me forever.  He bought me a drink and chatted on about  nothing in particular.  I wouldn't go out with him, as his reputation isn't super, and more then a deal breaker is he smokes. Ugh!  I did sit with him for dinner and a friend of his but as soon as I was finished I left.

I received a text from the Indian man that wanted to know where I was....another smoker and not on my radar.  I keep thinking one of these days I might meet someone, other then Bruno, that fills the bill and is more available then the boy.  One can't have a relationship with a man that travels over two hundred and sixty days a year.  Next week he is off to Alabama for a week.

So today is stay home and regroup.  Tomorrow is another day.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Wow, why is it that the weekends are so dead and the week is just crazy.  Of course going anywhere to do anything on the weekends in California is something you don't want to do if you can help it.  Way to many people.

I started out this morning going to LensCrafters to drop my frames off so they could put my new glass prescription lenses in. They frames, which I bought last year, are Versace, and I paid a fortune for them.  I wasn't about to buy new frames.  I told them, even though they do things in an hour I'd be back in the afternoon to pick them up.

The next thing was driving to South County to go to the Orthopedic doctor to get ex rays and the pin out of my toe.  I have to say, it was not a problem.  I never even felt them remove the pin.  The
PA that removed it asked me if I wanted to keep it.......really?  Why in the world would I want to do that.

After the above I  drove back to Irvine, went to PetCo to pick up some new cat toys for the "kids," then to TJMaxx to use a dollar amount coupon that was going to expire. Off to Costco to get paper goods and a few other things, then back to Lenscrafters to pick up the finished glasses.  I called my friend Nancy to tell her I was on my way. she needed 8 1/2 x 11 paper and thought they still made typing paper.  Computer paper is the method of things now.  She is eighty seven so she was still thinking typing paper.  The kids at Office Max didn't know what she was talking about. I stopped at a drive through to get something to eat after seeing her.  I had four other things to do, but thought I'd shelve them until tomorrow.  Enough is enough, not to mention I had to carry everything in the house and garage and still had ironing that needed done.
Sunday I heard from Bruno, although I wasn't home to get the call. I had gone to Staples, Trader Joe's, and Home Depot.  He arrived from Spain at 1:00 a.m. Sunday morning.  He said he would call me Monday afternoon and give him a day to decompress and get on California time.  It was a fourteen hour flight and he was tired even if he did travel First Class.

True to form, Bruno didn't call me Monday afternoon, but at a little after 8:00 a.m. Monday morning.  He was standing in line at the DMV.  Seems that his secretary never filed a non operational on a Bronco he has stored in his warehousesince 2004 and he owed a bunch of money to the DMV  Since he can't prove it wasn't used, he is going to have to pay it.

  Bruno asked me what I was doing on Wednesday.  I have two appointments.  One with the dermatologist and my hair dresser appointment. He said he would be down in the afternoon. if that was okay....since I haven't seen him for weeks, it was more then okay.  We also are going to have a date night on Friday. He really is my nemesis. We are like two teenagers together.

My girlfriend who is going through a divorce, sent me a text and was upset about her taxes and should she file with or without her soon to be ex husband.  She makes way more money then he does and she is afraid she will be nailed with a lot of taxes.

So things are getting semi back to normal.  Still have a lot of things to do this week but seeing Bruno and playing catch up will be fun.

Off to iron.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I have six more days to get this annoying pin removed from my toe.  I"m afraid to walk anywhere without my surgery shoe.  I'm trying not to bend the pin so it removes easily.  It is really a pain, literally, to have to get up at night and grope around to put the shoe on.

Last night I met a girlfriend at Quinn's for fried chicken.  The best in town.  I love this gal, but she is never on time.  I know she works and it is hard to leave the business she is in, but she was forty five minutes late. I think I will have to put this in my radar and arrive places, when I meet her, accordingly.

Quinn's is a great restaurant, but so loud.  Last night it was made louder by one screaming little boy.  The place doesn't cater to children and the noise level is bad enough without a badly behaved mother adding her child to the mix.  You would have thought this child was alone for all the discipline he received.  Spare me from the younger generation.  She was more interested in the boyfriend who was trying to engage this little boy then taking care of her boy.

I had a text message from the lawyer that lives on the" Hill" while I was waiting at the table at the restaurant.  He asked me how my foot was doing.  I texted him fine and told him I was at Quinn's waiting for a girlfriend for dinner.  I got a reply that said "Boo",  he was sitting at the bar.  I waved and kept my fingers crossed he didn't come over to the table.  He didn't, thank God.  I have no interest in him.  He is an old fart and I think married.  Married or single I wouldn't have anything to do with him as he is fat , old and a drunk.  He copied my number down while I was giving it to a girl that wanted to invite me to her birthday party and when he originally sent me a text a month or so ago I had no idea who he was.  Unfortunately I learned.  Sneaky Pete!  Ick!

Bruno communicated and said that he was scheduled to come home this coming Saturday.  All the work he is doing on this project has a lot at stake.  The South African government is involved and  Bruno is in Spain because the legal documents and contracts are being handled there.  I try not to ask to much and he usually tells me what is going on.  He did say he was being exceptionally good because this project had a lot at stake for people and there was no entertainment of any kind involved.  I know he will hit the ground running when he gets back, but he did say he missed me, in so many words.  So we will see how soon he surfaces when he gets back.  Since things change with him I can't count on him actually flying out Saturday to come home. I have learned not to worry about it.

Vet man is leaving for the Caymans to join his daughter at a time share he has there.  He has been in a flap over breaking up with his girlfriend.  I'm hoping things will settle down for him when he gets time to decompress in the Islands.  He also works with about thirty vets a day at the veterans hospital to get them through the paper work.  He does this because he likes it, as he has enough money, but sometimes it gets to be way to much.

My hair appointment, today, got screwed up so it will be next week. My hairdresser has another job selling Bobbie Brown makeup so we do things by iPhone,  Always room for error.

So today I will stay home and do somethings around here.

Monday, April 8, 2013

ERRAND DAY................

So, I sit around all weekend and wait for the crazy errand and appointment week to begin.  I had an eye doctor appointment today at LensCrafters.  I have to go to them because that is where my insurance covers my appointments.

I got through the appointment without mishap.  I thought I might be a candidate for cataract surgery but I'm not.  I'm not as old as I think I am.  Actually the doctor said because I have always used sun glasses it takes longer for the cataracts to appear. I have the start of them but they aren't ready to be removed yet.

Today was the cleaners to pick up my comforter, LensCrafters, Bed Bath and Beyond for Keurig coffee.  Emeril has the best Big Easy coffee available. Then to get my filthy car a bath and off to my friends house in Newport Beach.

In between the above I did get an email from a friend.  She is going through a divorce and is having a hard time.  I made arrangements with her to have dinner tomorrow night so we could talk. She has a meeting the following day in the morning and we made it an early reservation.  I'm so glad to have people of all ages in my life.  This gal is only in her late forties. They like being with me which I consider pretty flattering since I'm so long in the tooth, and I like being with them too.

Late last night I heard via cell phone from the bouncer/tile business owner checking to see if I needed anything and was okay.  He has been calling or texting me for a weeks.  I've never been out with him and barely ever see him, but he likes to talk.

Bruno has only been gone a month but this time it seems like forever.  I'm sure it is because I'm sitting around on my bottom at home not doing anything due to my toe.  Next Monday is freedom day.  I won't have to worry about the pin as it is being removed.

I spent a little time after my car wash with my friend in Newport Beach.  I checked at Bed Bath and Beyond for the Power Hose that won't kink,  but they only had the fifty foot one.  She needed the twenty five foot hose.......  Nothing easy.

When I returned home the next door neighbors Girl Friday was there and helped me lug in the comforter and my shopping bags.

Tonight is a watch t.v. and kick back night.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Another day of staying home.  I really am getting stir crazy but don't feel like I want to get ready to go out the door.  Sunday's are always iffy anyway.

Not that I don't get phone calls and emails.  Heard from my usual people, a couple girlfriends and one man that I've known for several years.  He calls every two weeks or so to check in.  I haven't really seen him for months, but he stays in touch.

I did hear from Bruno and low and behold he is still in Spain.  He started out with saying he hadn't forgotten me and how was my toe.  So at least he is thinking about me.  I have no idea when he is coming home, although he keeps saying he'll see me soon.  His idea of soon and mine are worlds apart, but whatever it is it is.  I did ask him in a return email what his ETA was.  We'll see if he answers.  

Actually his being gone for a month is good timing.  That is how long this toe has taken to get better.  Hopefully by the time he returns I'll be 100%.

This coming week is a little scheduled with an eye doctor appointment, a hair appointment and maybe, depending on how I feel, a dinner with a girlfriend.  I could be doing a lot more, but since I just paid the taxes on two places I'm trying to not spend a ton of money.

I'll make this short since today there isn't much going on.

Saturday, April 6, 2013


This last week flew by.  I had a call from a man that I met several weeks ago asking me to join him for lunch.  Since I've mostly been in the house I thought I'd meet him.  He suggested a restaurant I had never heard of near the Orange County Airport.  When I finally found the place it ended up being a location where there use to be a restaurant called Blackbeards.  Of course being California it was a brand new building.

This man has his own tech company with thirty five employees.  He is of Indian descent and I totally forgot he smoked.  A deal breaker for any other meetings in the future.  He wanted to go to the beach after we finished lunch and since it was early I agreed. Big mistake.

Sometimes you just have to follow your first instinct to not meet someone that is out of your comfort zone.  He was respectful but also had in his mind that this was going to be more then just a lunch.  I have never understood a guy that thinks just because he buys you a meal you are willing to jump into bed with him.  It really makes me not want to go out with anyone.

We drove down to Newport Beach and the weather was cool.  Way to cool to sit outside. I was counting the minutes that I could say goodbye and thank God he needed to get back to whatever it was he needed to get back to.  That was of course when he realized that I wasn't going to have anything to do with him.  As bad a Bruno can be he is way more preferable to most of the men out there, although I haven't heard from him since last Monday, he can be such a stinker. I think we will be having a stand off since I'm not emailing him and the ball  is in his court. I'll see how long it takes him to realize all is silent on this end.

My girlfriend sent me an email yesterday and asked me to meet her at the Orange Elks for their fish fry on Friday night.  I had hauled myself up to the market and by the time I got my shopping done and gassed the car I was pooped. This toe doesn't make it easy to get around. I sent an email back saying I'd take a rain check.

Another week and this pin will be out of my toe.  The toe thing worked out okay but now it is sore, where it wasn't before.

My brother called a little while ago and we talked for about an hour.  He was sitting in his hot tub enjoying the weather.  Today it is overcast here and the wind is suppose to come up later on this weekend.  He and I can talk for a long time about a myriad of things.

I need to think about what I'm going to do today so I'll sign off. I

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

THE TOE.........

I had my stitches taken out today on my left toe and was pleasantly surprised that it was number one painless, and number two,  hardly bruised or swollen.  I was really dreading this surgery and it turned out to be one of the best I've ever had.  Go figure!  Goes to show one should not look at YouTube as everyone is different.  YouTube freaked me out!

I also thought that I would have to wear this ugly shoe/boot for another month and a half and the doctor said that as soon as the pin is removed, which is April 15th, I can start to wear regular shoes.

After I had the stitches out I had plans to go to dinner with a long time and very good girlfriend of mine.  She came to the house and we went to BJ's where we sat for three hours talking.  After dinner we came back to the house and talked for another hour.  She has been a long time partner in crime and is the only person I know that is almost of the same thinking as I am....refreshing.

My friend and her husband are leaving for their home in England soon.  They use to have their own private jet, which was wonderful, but due to the economy sold it.  They have chartered a plane to go to England.  The reason for the charter and not Commercial is due to the fact she wants to take her three dogs with her to her England house not to mention that commercial flying these days is the pits.

If I had know that they were going to do that I would have hitched a ride, although the timing is lousy with toes etc. they will be there for four months, so perhaps if things go okay physically and financially for me, I may take a little trip.

I had an email from Vetman and he called a meeting of the original committee for the Second Annual Marine Corp Birthday Ball.  I don't really know if I want to get involved again, but probably will.

I did have a nice Get Well card from the head of the Fashion Show that is being held soon.  Normally about three hundred or so attend this event.  She said she really missed me being in the Show.  I do think my days of tromping a ramp are over.  Modeling and doing promotional shows for years is what got my feet in the trouble they are in, not to mention my knees. Those pointy toes shoes are murder and I still wore them up until a couple months ago.

Seems maintenance takes up a lot of my time.  Maintenance on myself and maintenance on the house.  It is a never ending saga.

Nothing from the boys so far, Bruno sent an email in answer to a question from me on Monday.  I'm sure he is up to his you know what in alligators.

Life goes on and I need to get cracking.

Monday, April 1, 2013


Another Holiday over mostly successfully.  I usually dread all of the holidays and always have, but yesterday was just fine.

Vet man picked me up, as always he was early.  He was suppose to pick me up at noon and showed up forty five minutes early.  I think that being that early is just as bad as being late.  I do know that about him from all the meetings we attended last year. He brought me a Russel Stover Coconut Creme chocolate egg.  He is always baring gifts.

It was nice having help dragging thirty six deviled eggs and a huge Lilly plant to my friends house.  Vet man had met his girlfriend earlier that morning for coffee and it ended up with lots of drama.  He said she told him that he was the fault of making her miserable. I don't think he really likes her that much or he wouldn't be crabbing about having to drive twenty five minutes to see her.  Needless to say, I reminded him that Bruno will drive hours to see me. It will be interesting to see how long it will take before everything blows up for him with her.

I got an email from Bruno that said Happy Easter, however in the RE: area he put "You Know."  That, to me didn't relate to anything.  He has a tendency to assume that I can read his mind.  The more I thought about it the more up in the air that wording became for me.  I sent him an email late last night telling him I was being blond and what did he mean.....as I thought he meant you know it is Easter. Glad to get that one clarified.  Sometimes my mind goes to train crash thoughts....Bruno's wording.

The Easter brunch, which turned into a late afternoon brunch, was lovely.  My friend had her relatives, about fifteen of them for a sit down dinner.  Grandma's china, crystal and silver, very nice.  I'm always happy to see people do things correctly.  In this day and age it is usually buffets and sit wherever or casual BBQ's. The younger crowd, unless they come from lots of money, just do not put out the effort or work to present a table the way it should be. I just think for holidays it is nice to be formal.  Otherwise BBQ's and buffets are fine unless you are having tons of people

Vet man seemed uncomfortable and quiet which for me was a little strange for him.  I know that holidays are hard for him since his thirty three year old daughter passed away unexpectedly three years ago and the memories are still fresh.  I told him that she wouldn't have wanted him to be sad so he did make an effort by coming to the Brunch.

After dinner and before desert he wanted to leave.  Because he was the one that drove me I had no choice but to leave too.  He dropped me off and took off for whatever he had planned next. It was fine as I was tired and after several glasses of red wine was more then ready to go home and take a nap. Holidays have become a little strange through the years.  Everything changes!

My Bouncer/Tile Company owner sent me a Happy Easter text too.  I have a very casual, casual talking relationship with him and have never, nor will I, ever go out with him.  If you remember he is only fifty.  I am old enough to be his Mother, but he does keep reaching out.

So Monday is here and I have to decide what I need to do around the house.  I can't seem to focus on any one thing and God knows there are plenty of "one things" to do.