Thursday, April 18, 2013


Bruno drove to Orange County to see me yesterday for a nano second. He walked in saying,  "honey I'm home."  After almost five weeks it is about time.

 My garbage disposal is still kaput and he told me he would see i f he could fix it.  I didn't have an Allen wrench so he told me he would bring one. When he arrived he had some kind of tool in his hand, not an Allen wrench.  He said he had gone to his warehouse and couldn't find what he was looking for and decided he better get on the freeway or he would never get to my place. As it was it took him almost two hours.

I have a feeling that the garbage disposal is shot but he said when he comes back on Friday with Allen wrench in hand he would fix it or replace it for me.He did try the stick thing but that didn't work either.  It turns and hums but that is it. He was short on time so it didn't get fixed. Nice to have a man that knows what they are doing. In my youth when I was planning on four husbands, my thought was that one of them should know construction.  Well, he isn't a husband, but he knows construction inside and out.

I don't like asking anyone for help but he told me it wasn't a problem.  Maybe I should make a list of all the little things I need done and he can get to it.  Ha!

He had two meetings scheduled, so after being with me for a couple hours he left to do whatever it is he does. He is coming back early afternoon on Friday and then Friday night we are going out to dinner, no dancing, at least for me, the toe is not able to do a jig yet. He is so funny.  He loves to dance and said he would have to ask someones wife to dance and tell them his girlfriend was broken.  I'll give him broken!

After he took off I decided to leave and take a tip to a waitress that I didn't tip the other night.  She is such a sweetheart and  it just got lost in the shuffle, so off I went to do that.  It also was spaghetti night at the Elks and I thought I'd also go there and have dinner.

There is a man at the Elks, my age, that has been trying to date me forever.  He bought me a drink and chatted on about  nothing in particular.  I wouldn't go out with him, as his reputation isn't super, and more then a deal breaker is he smokes. Ugh!  I did sit with him for dinner and a friend of his but as soon as I was finished I left.

I received a text from the Indian man that wanted to know where I was....another smoker and not on my radar.  I keep thinking one of these days I might meet someone, other then Bruno, that fills the bill and is more available then the boy.  One can't have a relationship with a man that travels over two hundred and sixty days a year.  Next week he is off to Alabama for a week.

So today is stay home and regroup.  Tomorrow is another day.

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