Tuesday, April 23, 2013

LAST NIGHT................

I attended a meeting last night being held in our neighborhood.  There is a women that lives here that is spearheading a disaster relief organization for the two hundred plus home owners we have in our tract.

This women is working close with the City of Irvine and the first responders such as the fire department, police department, and gas company.  She and the committee, which she wants me to join, are working on holding a BBQ in Sept.to have the above groups come to speak about what is to be done in case of a major disaster, such as earthquake or flood.  It is not a question of if, but when.

We do have the Irvine companies Rattlesnake Dam behind us and should there be a major quake it is a strong possibility that the earthen dam would affect us.

I don't know if I want to get involved in yet another thing.  I'm again on the Marine Ball Committee for the event in November and it takes a lot of work.  I also joined a book club,finally, and will be going to that discussion, albeit, only once a week.

The huge problem that looms is the fact that a lot of the people living in this tract are another ethnicity.  We have Indian, Korean, Chinese, Iranian, and other ethnic people, some who do not speak English. Getting anyone to participate in anything is questionable. Telling them what is going on and having them understand it is another story.

I am always in awe of people that want to get so involved in doing things.  I have always been someone who doesn't like to join groups.  I've forced myself to get involved and it usually works out okay, but it still isn't my preference.  I would probably be a recluse if I didn't push myself out the door.

I've always found, that even in a crowd, I stand alone.  It's a funny feeling not to be connected even though you are connected.  This is not a new feeling but one that I've had all my life.  Kind of like "alone in the crowd."  I think it is because I never have really found my niche.  There are so many things I could have done, but I couldn't really focus on one thing that would have been something that would have made the alone feeling go away.

My job in Beverly Hills was probably the closet thing I had to melding with other people.  Now that I'm behind the "Orange Curtain." in the land of soccer moms and bedroom city it has magnified the out of place feeling.  Funny that I can fit in anywhere but nowhere.

Enough of being maudlin.  I need to get myself busy today and go through some of the garage.  What fun that will be . Even though I've gotten rid of tons of things I still have more to get rid of.  I'm never sorry to see items go.  Cathartic for sure.

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