Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sad Day....

My little rescue dog, Senora, who I adopted when she was thirteen and blind, had to put down yesterday afternoon.  She had kept me up the night before hacking and coughing and extremely restless.

I just knew she was near to going.  When I adopted her, my thought was to give her a couple good years.  She lasted six and was nineteen years old. She had a sweet spirit and was loved by many people.

When she was euthanized and at the very end, her tail wagged.  The Vet said that was unusual.  I took it as a sign that she was happy to be in a better place.  I got a hug from the Vet and I kissed Senor's head goodbye and left in tears.

I told most of my friends and have heard from the ones that are animal lovers right away.  MP sent me an email saying he was so sorry too.  He lost a dog that he adored.  We've all been through it and it isn't easy.  For me, this will be my last dog.

I think that today, I will make this Blog short and about her.  I'm in the process of getting her items together so I can take them to the animal shelter.  So many animals need so much.

Instead of ashes, the Vet's office gave me a clay coaster with her paw print.  I just need to bake it to set it up.  It is a good remembrance.

I hope she is where all the other doggies are and is barking at her treats.

 That's all for today.

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