Friday, June 3, 2011


The studio man that took me to Ruth's Chris called me this morning.  He has had a super busy week traveling and will be out of the State this weekend.  He said he would be working on a t.v. show near LAX and would be near enough to take me to dinner again.  He promised to call me when he got settled in that area and would meet me at the restaurant of my choice. The only down side to this man is his height,  He is just an inch taller then I am and with heels I am taller.  I suppose there is Tom Cruise and everyone he married or dated is taller.   I should just get over the height obsession I have with tall men.

Although he stated that his week had not been great, he just looked at my smile on the site and it made his day better.  Nice to be complimented that way whether it is true or not.  At least he isn't letting me hang in the wind like MP does. 

Everyone is so busy.  This is a good thing because it means that things are picking up in California.  There are so many high powered people out there and I guess they go on line to find someone because they don't have time to go trolling and look for someone.  These dating sites certainly open up the field.

I know that MP is on a time crunch with building his commercial sites.  He called me Monday morning and I haven't heard from him, which isn't unusual.  He goes so fast and so far I'm surprised he can remember my name.  I'm haven't been sitting around, but for the last several days I've stayed home.

Today was a clean the house day and take care of the animals plus me.  I need to work on my nails etc.  I may even decide to read my Kindle for a change.

Just got a text message from MP (speak of the devil) and he wants to see me this Sunday.  I should just say no, but he is my poison of choice.  I think he makes me feel twenty four again and that is a good feeling.  If I can just keep it casual, in my mind, things will be fine. One thing I'm not doing is making MP my end all be all, I know it sounds like I am, but he has been around for over ten months. I also know that he isn't feasible for a lot of reasons.  As I said before, maybe this time I'll go for the gold and forget the total attraction thing.  I'm not twenty four and I do have to remember that.    Nice to have that choice at my age.

I also heard from a man that lives in my town that is seventy nine and an ex Marine.  He assured me that I didn't need to take care of him.  That was one of the things I put into my profile.  I didn't want to date an older man because I didn't want to take care of anyone again.  He invited me to lunch today, but I declined.  I told him we could possibly make it another day and I'll see what he says when or if he responds.  A plus with this man is he is six foot four and lives close.

So life is fairly busy and even if I don't have something to do every minute of everyday I'm doing fine. There are good days and bad days and I just have to remember that things do get better and life is what you make it.

Enjoy your weekend.

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