Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Yesterday I finally decided to go to the doctor to get some pills for this sinus infection I've had for a week.  I have been so tired and couldn't figure out why.  So, I got that accomplished, then off to Sears where I finally bought the filter for my ice maker.  That was the third place I tried to find the filter.  I should have started there.

My studio man emailed me and was venting about the people he was working with that couldn't seem to get the budget price right.  They told him not to worry and I told him he better start worrying if someone tells you that.  He was so sweet and said he wished he could come take care of me when I told him I was not feeling well.

I decided to go to my meeting last night at the Elks regarding the Veterans.  We packed thirty boxes to send to Afghanistan with candy, books, soap, wipes and a lot of other items that will be so appreciated.

I had dinner at the Elks and then a girlfriend and I went to another restaurant for a drink.  While I was there I met a man that had his own practice and had his PhD in Psychology.  We had a great conversation and he told me I needed to come to his group sessions to impart common sense to some of the people he sees.  I've always thought that Psychology was nothing more then common sense and for some reason most people don't have it. Certainly lack of same has opened up a lucrative field for people that want to help others.

Of course, it wasn't just conversation with him.  He wants to take me to lunch.  He is in his sixties, which is at least more acceptable then some of the men I hear from.  I'm debating whether I want to meet him for lunch or not. The reason I'm saying not is he ended up the conversation with a question.  The question was, "are you a good kisser?"  Another MAN!  I told him since I was the age I was I better know how.  That seemed to shut him up. No matter how smart, educated or not, men are men.

I'm headed out to have lunch with my neighbor who is only here for a short time so I will close for now.

Happy hump day!

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