Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Glitch......

I've been off the grid due to a glitch in Blogspot.  The Gods of Computer Hell have been giving me fits.  Finally everything showed up like it was suppose to.  Don't ask me how it came to be.  Whatever I did, with help from a dear long time friend in Las Vegas,  it worked this time, so here I am.

I heard from MP via phone on Memorial Day morning and we had a fairly long conversation about his work, what I'd been doing and generalities.  He is trying to get things done on a job site and needs to be there to ride herd on the crews.  Everyone was working overtime to move things along and he felt he should be there to be sure they kept it up. He says he will see me this week, we'll see.

I was contacted by a man that is in the television business for CBS.  He was coming down to Orange County for a meeting with a Producer and wanted to take me to dinner at Ruth's Chris.  I really didn't know what he looked like, but thought I'd take a chance and meet him at the restaurant.  It was a good meeting and a wonderful dinner.

He was very complimentary and a take charge kind of guy.  He ordered dinner for me and talked about interesting things.  He also seemed to be respectful, but after Mr. Nice Guy, who I thought was respectful and wasn't, I'm reserving judgement.  This man said that he felt that a man should work to take care of a women. What a concept.  I'm assuming he could well do that as he was wearing a very, very expensive gold Rolex and diamond watch plus driving a sport car that costs more then I make in over two years.

He talked about all the interesting places he had been in his thirty year career.  Yes, this one is in his middle sixties.  He said he would love to show me an area on the Aegean Sea and another five star place outside of Mexico City.  I wish I could be excited about doing some of these things, but everyone is looking for a one on one relationship.  I'm not. At least not yet. I  guess I need to change my mind set and go for the gold. 

He was flying up to Northern California for a job for several days and said he would call me when he gets back.  I did email him and thank him the next day for a great dinner and good conversation.  I also told him I wasn't at the same place in my life that he was in his. I said if he would have patience I would see what happened down the line. Since he is fully invested in working , it may work out.  Neither of us have a lot of time and he lives about an hour away from me.  I certainly have experience in not having someone around.  MP has made me realize that it probably is okay not to have someone on your doorstep all the time.  Of course if MP wanted to be on my doorstep I probably would think that was just fine and dandy. Obviously I'm not thinking with my head where MP is concerned.

Today I also met some ladies that I worked with over twenty years ago.  We had a great lunch at Bistango and played catch up.  My life really is pretty full and I'm blessed so I shouldn't complain.  There are time I sit around and feel sorry for myself and I need to remind myself there is no reason for that.

I have a lot of friends, I can date at will....although not all those dates are wonderful....but you do learn from everyone, and I am my own person.  I was sitting around yesterday wondering what I was gong to do with the rest of my life, however long that may be, and I know I'm the only one that can decide what I want to do.  So, I need to get crackin...

Hoping the glitches stay away......Ciao

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