Saturday, June 11, 2011

Working Saturday....

Working is the right word.  Even though I do have cleaning people that come in, they only come in once a month.  It is worth it to me to have them to clean the shutters if nothing else. I found that having someone every other week is over kill, as I live alone.

With two cats and a dog and of course me, the house needs perked up by me from time to time and today was that time.  It is early evening and I have everything ship shape, now what?  I'll tell you what.  After I finished the work I decided to rest for a while and fell dead asleep.  I never sleep during the day.  Guess I needed to do that today.

I did go to the movie to see Midnight in Paris with my two friends and then to dinner afterwards at Houston's.  The movie was good, although they liked it better then I did.  It was a novelty to have a movie be shown that didn't have one swear word in it.  Goes to show they actually can talk without every word being "ef."

I've been hearing from men on the sites today that have been contacting me for months.  for some reason they keep coming back on site to me.   I haven't met any of them, my choice, and a couple of them want to set things up.  It is becoming work and not as fun as it was in the beginning.

I've been trying to locate a tenant that I had to evict last year and I think I finally, at least, found her cell phone number.  I located her Mother who said she was living in a shelter and she gave it to me.  I have a Judgement through the Courts but I know I'll never see a penny.  MP said he would call her for me and I gave him the information to do just that. 

Mr. Studio Man is swamped with work and will be for a little while longer.  Other then that I'm staying home and staying out of trouble.   I think, for some reason, that this is the time to lay low and stay home.  I just can't seem to get myself in the spirit of the dating thing.  Maybe it is because the book is finished and it seems counter productive to keep seeing people plus more then a little boring most of the time.

My good friend that lives in Minnesota said at least I get out to dinner, lunch, etc, but since the same scenario seems to be imprinted in all the minds of these guys, there are no surprises left.  I'm not interested in a bedroom scene with a myriad of guys.

So for now I'm off the grid.

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