Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Brunch...

Our May grey has arrived although it burns off about one or so.  I got up this morning, let Senora out and fed all the animals.  I also thought I better do two loads of laundry.  Since I got up about 7:30 am, I had plenty of time to get myself ready for my brunch date at one of my favorite restaurants, Nieuport 17.  Yes, it is spelled that way for the airplane, even though it is on Newport Ave.

I met my age appropriate date at the proposed time of 12:30 pm.  He was better looking then his picture, although not handsome by any means.  We were taken to a booth and the atmosphere was the 5 watt bulb kind. Great for hiding wrinkles.  He was personable.  He had been a salesman and had raised three kids on his own after his wife died.  There is more of that wife dieing thing going around then one might realize.

He was interesting, but  like most men, segued into taking me to Napa, and points North in the future.  He said he wanted to see me again, but forgot to ask if I wanted to see him.  He also announced that he didn't want sex as much as he had in his fifties.  Why would anyone tell you that on a first date.

I'm beginning to think I bring out the worst in men.  They always say how comfortable it is to be with me and how the conversation is always great.  I swear, I never bring up sex...maybe they are just MEN!  It happens with almost everyone I meet.  Good thing I'm liberal and not up tight.  I can just laugh it off or say a clever quip.  It really does become tiresome.

We did have a lovely brunch of eggs Benedict and champagne, and two and a half hours of conversation.  Not all sex, but politics, travels, his family and so forth.  He told me his daughter wanted to know where he was going since he was meeting me for the first time.  I guess she thought I was going to take him somewhere by gun point.  She can have him back, no problem.

So, now I'm home.  He doesn't have my  phone number but gave me his.  I will send an email thanking him for brunch and then I will go off the radar. 

Off to finish drying clothes, reading the rest of the paper and staying in for the night.  Tomorrow is another day and I'm hoping to go to a half way house for veterans to deliver some goods these poor guys need.  The club I belong to has adopted two homes as a project.

More at a later time.

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