Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday Morning...

Well, I've blocked my first person on one of the sites.  This guy was the one that was forty nine years old and wanted to wash my dishes and iron.  Doesn't sound like a bad idea but then he went on and on and on.  One weird dude.  Scary to think this guy is a teacher.  I suppose everyone has their own proclivities and perhaps he was just seeing how far he could push, but he just go too strange. 

He was definitely a submissive, at least in his writings.  There would be no way I would meet him for lunch, coffee or dinner, day or night.  I tell you there are some strange people out there and probably more then we know.  I'm not into leading someone around by a dog collar or having someone want me to abuse them.  God spare me from perverts.  Enough on him, he is blocked.  He lived one hundred miles away and that is a good thing.

I've done my morning cleaning.  I have to vacuum everyday due to the cats and their white hair.  By the time I do that, straighten things up, make the bed etc, etc. the morning is gone.  I plan on staying home today, as I did yesterday.  Weekends are no time to go out and about in this area.  Everyone and their brother is on the freeways, in the stores and restaurants.  I want to see the movie "Water for Elephants" and may do that tomorrow.  I do have that dinner date this Tuesday, with the Israeli scientist, professor etc. I'll see how that goes.  Cathy wants to see "Bridesmaids" and then Saturday is MP, at least I hope. 

Have a great Sunday.

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