Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Yesterday I met the Chairman of one of our charities from the Emblem Women's Club at the Elks  There are two transitional homes in the Santa Ana area for disabled and homeless Vets. We had collected two hundred and forty four rolls of toilet tissue to be split between the two homes.

You would think that our government, who gives billions to foreign countries, could at least take care of these men who served their country with simple items, such as toilet tissue.  I found out that these men have nothing.  In fact that morning they didn't have coffee, because they couldn't afford to buy it.

These men are given a small stipend for food, yes, they supply their own food from the food bank, and believe me it isn't much.  So, I'm beating the bushes for people to donate money so we can go to Costco and buy supplies.  I'll keep people apprised as time goes on.

Last night I had dinner with Kyla, my grand daughter, who has turned into a wonderful young lady.  I always enjoy her company and I think she enjoys mine.  Kyla  is getting a dose of reality coming back to California and I don't think she will be here very long before she goes back to Colorado.

As for men, I heard from the man I had brunch with Sunday.  The Friday night date hasn't contacted me.  I think he thinks I'm out of his league.  Not that I am, but then that is his problem.  He really is in a different place in his life and wants someone permanently.

I heard from my man, that I've been hearing from for months, that lives in Malibu and does something with movies.  He has been contacting me a lot but he is another one that travels all the time like MP. 

Speaking of MP, he was supposed to come home last night, whether he did or not I don't know.  He has a very, very complicated life and I'm getting more then a little tired of being last on his list.  I don't do last well.  I'll see what transpires this week after he gets back into his jobs.

I had someone ask me if I thought that all the good men were taken or gone.  I'm not so sure there are any good ones left out there.  Maybe I'm just too picky or maybe I'm out of touch with what is happening now.  I'm about ready to get off these sites and sit back for a while and do nothing.  It might be a relief.

Have a great day.

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