Sunday, May 29, 2011


I have found that posting a new picture on the various dating sites has brought out a whole slew of men.  Interesting that the pictures have been on the sites for a while., just not primary photos.  I guess they just don't bother to check them all out. I think I'm just too picky and most of them are a big "No." Of course if one is going to do the dating thing, one should get what they want or forget it.  I'm always willing to try to see where things go, but sometimes it gets wearing to always be meeting new people to no avail.  It's not them, it's me.  LOL.

It is also interesting to me that everyone ages so differently.  There have been men that are in their fifties that look seventy or more and men in their late sixties that look younger.  Mostly they look a lot older then they actually are in real life.

I deleted the previous men that contacted me and after looking at one site today. The new count of men checking my profile out is over twenty five hundred.  Good grief, you would think with that many you could find someone that would be acceptable  So far, not so.

Yesterday I heard from the fifty five year old that looks like MP and lives a lot closer.  He still wants to get together, but I've decided that it probably isn't a good idea.  He is going through too many things in his life and I don't want drama.  I had enough drama with my husband and his family to last a lifetime.

It rained here last night.  The weather has been so odd this year and for this time of year it is also cool.  The newspaper, even though wrapped in plastic ends up wet due to the rain or sprinklers that seem to go on when they shouldn't.

I'm suppose to go with two of my girlfriends to see the movie "Bridesmaids" today.  We'll see if that happens.  I slept in, for a change, and since it is dreary outside staying home sounds good.

Have a wonderful Sunday.

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