Friday, April 29, 2011


Today I've been contacted by the man I had lunch with a week ago.  He has invited me to a movie and dinner.  This is the man that looks like MP, only younger and two inches shorter.  In between this time, other then having dinner with a great friend, as I posted last time, I have been out with a man, that again, is my type.  Probably close to 6'5" and three hundred pounds.  Of course a football player.  We had drinks and conversed on Ohio, a place we are both from originally.

MP is off the grid again.  He is back east with friends from Italy and busy attending a trade show. I know his schedule, so there are no surprises.  He is a busy boy. I promised myself I wouldn't contact him and I haven't.  I'm proud of myself for not caving  in.  I keep trying to find someone I like as well, and heaven knows I'm giving it the old college try. Whether I can find someone or not is either a matter of time or if not, so be it.

 It seemed to be fine to be by myself for the year or so that my ex-husband was out of the house.  Now, God forbid if I don't have something to do I'm antsy.  I do have plenty to do around the house, but can't seem to motivate myself to get things done.  So boring to clean closets and drawers.  Little by little I suppose.

I'm going to have to get started on packing for my trip to Colorado.  It is always a lot of detail that one has to attend to when one goes away.  The best thing is my iPhone which keeps in contact with my emails and bills.  There are somethings in modern technology that are wonderful.  Most of it leaves me in the lurch trying to figure out what to do.

My Editor sent my final copy of my manuscript back to me for approval and I've hopefully sent it off to the writersliterary.  I never know if it actually goes like it should since my programs are different then the one my Editor sent me.  The program garbled a lot of words and when I downloaded it again it was fine.  Gremlins in the system?

I managed to get somethings done today.  I washed three loads of clothes, changed the sheets on my bed, vacuumed the carpet and did various other chores.  I did run down to the drugstore to pick up a compact of powder.  Always errands.  This time I did have a $15.00 extra bucks coupon that paid for everything.  That tells you how much I spend at the drugstore

So, that is the day, so far. Tomorrow night is when I'm suppose to go to the movies and dinner.  We'll see.

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