Wednesday, April 6, 2011


No one ever told me that this Senior dating thing was going to be so difficult.  After two girl days at lunch and running errands, this morning's group of men are way over the top.

On the site that has all the supposedly wealthy men, I was contacted by two men, and I use that term loosely, age thirty and one age thirty nine.  I, for the life of me can't imagine what they want with someone my age, but then again I do know what they want.  After getting a Web cam message from the thirty year old in Toronto, Canada, it was very apparent what he wanted. In fact he wanted to show me.  What an idiot.  I think that men have very little to do and the Web cam obviously has taken the place of phone sex.  I signed off immediately, although I told him I had seen my share of male parts and his was probably not exceptional. 

The Thirty nine year old, in Delaware, notice how convenient these guys are to California, sent me his cell number and wanted me to call him asap.  I'm not going to do that.  Good grief, it all smells of desperation. There are a lot of men out there that think an older women is just sitting around waiting for them to offer themselves to her.  Maybe some do, I don't know what the other side does, I just know what I do and that is a big NO!

I did hear from a man yesterday, that was my age, but short, and he literally begged me to take a chance on him.  He said short men were more intellectual and again, he sent me his phone number.  He at least lives in the area.  I called him and we had a pretty interesting conversation and again knew a lot of the same people in the building industry.  He wants to take me to breakfast on Saturday and I think I will say okay, if for no other reason then to do something.  You know what they, whomever, "They" are,say,  "Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  So, why not?

Another guy, that lives in the beach area about twenty miles away, is a little older then I am but swears that he doesn't need anyone to take care of him.  My complaint about older men is most of them are falling apart and are looking for someone to do that on a full time basis. 

I talked to MP last night after his MRI and as he thought he has big problems.  He may need an operation and is trying to figure out when, due to his busy schedule.  He is cancelling an appointment he has scheduled  to come to see me before he leaves town again.  I swear his nickname should be "the Road Runner."  Beep! Beep!  If I didn't like him so much I would say bye-bye, but he is so very captivating , although he isn't around a lot ,he has been around the longest.  No one else has come close. 

So that is it from Cougar Tracks for today.  You never know what tomorrow might bring.

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