Friday, July 29, 2011


It seems that a lot of the men that contacted me a while back have come back into the picture.  Some I don't care about seeing and the last man that contacted me, which was last night, was someone I really don't want to meet again.

This man is driving to the West Coast and will be back in the area the middle of August.  I had told him before to forget me, guess that didn't sink in.  He is Italian, Mr. Macho, and is just sure I can't live without him.  He works for the government and has been around men most of his life and  I find him just a little to overbearing.  He says I'm a "ball buster" and he may be right.  I can be the biggest bitch in the world should someone tick me off.  He hasn't yet, but I know he would.  I learned my lesson with men like him a long time ago and shame on me if I repeat the same mistake again.

I had told Desi about this guy way back. Desi's comment was that the Germans, which is what Desi is, always put the Italians in the front of the line without ammunition.  I told that to Mr. Macho and he was not amused.  Desi also said we should both meet him and again when I imparted that little tidbit it was met with an "oh no." I do not plan on seeing him even if he thinks he is the end all be all for me. 

Mr. Magician emailed me yesterday and was very complimentary.  I did my usual email back about being in a different spot in my life. He also sent a long list of movies, books and for heaven's sake his mother's Eulogy. My friend said, when I told her her had brought his bag of tricks to the dinner, that it would be like an accountant bringing his ledgers. very strange.

There isn't much going on today.  I have a hair appointment and I need to stop at the grocery store for a few things.  It is nice to eat out most of the time and not have to cook.  Although I occasionally lose my mind and cook once in a while  for myself.  I think it was the last ten years of having to prepare something three times a day that has made me not to do it anymore.

The start of the weekend is here, yet again.  Ciao

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