Thursday, July 21, 2011


I met the older gentlemen for lunch outside in the lobby of the museum.  The restaurant has incredible food and was busy.  It is unusual to find a restaurant in a museum that is gourmet. but this particular place has meals that would put a five star place to shame.

We ordered our lunch, I had a chicken Caesar salad and he had a lamb sandwich with two glasses of wine, both his.  I drank lemonade. We had a nice conversation, although he was pretty hard of hearing, and it was all very pleasant.

After the lunch I walked to the gallery that was showing the Scrimshaw exhibit.  This exhibit was small but it is amazing to me that the delicate bone, although most was on whale teeth, had survived from the 1700's.  Also that men did this work and on rough seas.  Some of the examples were so dainty and well done.

After we had looked through the glass cases we got in line to go into the auditorium to see and hear the story about the beginning life of Frank Sinatra.  There was a man in charge of the lecture who was very well informed about the life and times of "old blue eyes," and backed his story telling up with movies and radio shows from that era.  The audience was filled with the age appropriate people.  Some of those people had actually been at the concerts given by Sinatra back in the day.

I personally never much cared for Sinatra.  I was always a Dean Martin fan and found Sinatra having a little man's complex with all the arrogance that goes along with that stature.  It was interesting to hear some of the stories of his beginnings and although a lot of it was public knowledge there were some things that were imparted that were new.

My, I guess you could call him date, was happy as a clam.  I had told him I had another meeting and needed to leave right afterward, which was true.  He wanted to keep going on to Laguna Beach to the hotel for a drink.   He was also talking about taking me to Club 33 at Disneyland.  I really put the brakes on with him.  He, number one is probably way over eighty, hard of hearing and again needy.  I really thought it would be a good thing to help him out with his hearing problem, as he had asked me to do when I met him, but oh no, it turned into the same story as with every man out there.  No good deed goes unpunished. 

He insisted on walking me to my car in the parking lot and said he would call me, but not the next day.  I told him I just didn't have time, with my busy schedule, to work him in, but I don't think he heard me.  It was a nice lunch and lecture but that was it. Now what am I going to do?  I don't like to hurt anyone's feelings and I never, never should have agreed to meet him.  Live and learn.

I woke up this morning with an email message from Desi, who never emails me, at least not two days after he has left, to tell me he was thinking of me.  He also said it was hot and sticky where he was and didn't sound thrilled.  Why would anyone go to the deep South in the summer?  Not good planning.

Tonight, I did have a meeting and all went well.  So that was the day and tomorrow is another filled with interesting possibilities.


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