Wednesday, July 13, 2011


The last couple of days have been busy, to say the least.  The new site I signed on to has been overly active.  A lot of these men are in their thirties and I can't imagine why they would want an older women, but they all say they do. For me, it would be like going out with your son.  I'm not into being Grandma Cougar.  I keep thinking that late fifties is bad enough, which is where MP is in his life.

I did meet the man at Starbucks and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  He was my age, but young looking with dark hair, his own color.  He was Italian and although was still working in sales, his own company, he seemed to be a little unpolished.  I'm getting so picky in my old age.

I have been contacted by so many men that I think it is getting to be ridiculous. They all say the same thing to me, especially the young ones, although the older ones are right in line too. It is getting really boring to read the same statements.  Maybe they have a male manual that tells them what to say.  Also it is so inappropriate.  It always starts out with, your beautiful, sexy, hot, sensuous, pretty, classy, I want to know you, hold you, kiss you, I would be the man of your dreams (I'm thinking nightmares) etc, etc.  God, if I believed my own press I'd have a head as big as a pumpkin.

There are several that are just normal in their contacts, but the majority of them just go off the deep.  On this site , they seem to want to chat by IM more then the other sites I was on.  I have chatted with several of them until the conversation gets over the top sexually.  Then they are deleted.

I have heard from the man that is in Italy right now and he too has decided he loves me.  Never met this one either.  I'm beginning to think that the guys on these sites are way to needy.

One man, that I thought would be interesting to meet, he is older, contacted me, wanted me to come to his place , have dinner and stay overnight.  At least he said I could have my own room.  I can't imagine staying at someone's house that you have never met.  I must be missing something.  It seems to be so different now a days.  I either need to catch up or get out of the game.  Maybe the latter.

MP is back in the State and called me yesterday afternoon.  He was up North but will be in my area for a meeting this week.  I'll see him then. Since he is leaving town again, we better take advantage of our time together.  Like I said before, he seems to be my poison of choice.

I went to a Veterans meeting last night and they are planning on having a "Stand Down."  That is what they are calling the event that will take homeless Vets and their families and for twenty four hours, get them clothes, showers, medical attention, food,  job information and so forth. They had one in San Diego and had to turn people away.  Once they come to the location they are required to spend the night.  Tents are set up for the families and Vets and it is a glimmer of hope for the homeless.  There is so much that needs to be done.

So you see, I'm not just trying to date or meet the world.  I really do think you have to give back and in a small way I'm trying to do that.

Signing off!

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