Monday, July 4, 2011


The weekend didn't turn out exactly like I had planned.  Friday night I met several couples for drinks and while sitting there got a cell phone call from a man that I've known since last year.  He was not from any of the sites, but one that I had met with another couple last year.  I've talked to him off and on, but haven't seen him.

This man asked me to join him for a drink and I agreed.  I left the couples and first drove over to a restaurant to get an appetizer. I didn't want to be drinking on an empty stomach. After that I drove to the appointed place and was warmly greeted.  He wanted to dance, which I did, although I felt a little disloyal to MP who loves to dance.  This man is a really good dancer. I was thinking that I've danced more now then I ever did when I was younger.  Crazy the way things change in your life

I had one drink with him, several dances and then decided to go home.  The following day was Saturday and I had a date for drinks and dinner with a lawyer from one of the sites.  I asked him to meet me at a restaurant near my house which  he did. 

This man was the strangest man I've ever encountered, lawyer or not.  First of all, he had some sort of physical impairment, which I was okay with, but, he hadn't washed his hair, was dressed sloppily, and seemed to be having a few dementia moments.  Egad! 

He could converse, but was a little disjointed in his sentences.  I endured and after a light dinner we parted ways.  I sent him an email, which he didn't read as he called me.  I told him that he just wasn't my type and I wished him luck.  Frogs abound out there!!!

Sunday was suppose to be a dinner date with studio man.  He called me in the morning and sounded like he was going to die with a cold.  He said he had been looking forward to seeing me all week and couldn't believe that he was sick and couldn't make it.  I stayed home as I haven't been feeling so great either and I think either my sinuses or infection has been taking its toll.

I managed to get a lot done, cold or not around the house. 

Today being the Fourth, I probably will stay home although I'm suppose to attend a patio party.  I think I will probably pass on that and relax and stay cool.  It has been near one hundred degrees and not great outside.

Everyone have a wonderful Fourth of July.

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