Saturday, July 30, 2011


Tonight was the night Desi and I were suppose to go out to a fund raising event.  He returned late Wednesday night and I thought it a little strange that he hadn't called or emailed me on Thursday or Friday.  I sent him a text this morning, Saturday, and he sent me a fast text back saying he didn't have time to call or explain right then, but to read the email he sent me.

I went to my computer and opened the email.  The email said he had to leave for the South on Thursday, as his first wife, that had his two children years ago, had passed away. Her present husband, who is elderly,  was a mess and his boys too, so he flew back to organize things....that is his nature, a take charge guy.

He had flown back previously to more or less hear her death bed confessions regarding their past life together. At the time he said it didn't matter and he wouldn't be involved in setting things up when she passed away, but obviously that wasn't true. Guilt can be a bitch.

He has remained friendly with all of them through the years, which made it better for the boys.  In his email he said he owed me a Victoria's Secret present, dinner and a couple dances for yet once again not being able to make a date.  I emailed back and said he better add on the promised weekend away and a nightgown.  I swear his life is so complicated. He is flying back Monday afternoon and said he would see me then.  I'm not taking that to the bank. So tonight I'm going to the fund raiser alone, which isn't a big deal, although it would have been more fun with him along.

At least this morning I got an IM from the thirty four year old.  He is a a fun cerebral thinker and he comes up with some great ideas and statements.  I know I'm old enough to be his grandmother, but what fun to chat with him.  It is all virtual and will remain so. He is very entertaining and we chatted for about an hour.

So I'm off to get myself ready to go tonight I'll see what transpires tonight and Monday. 

Take care all.

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