Friday, July 15, 2011


You never do know what a day will bring, that is for sure.   Yesterday, MP had a meeting in South County that ended up being in North County. He wasn't thrilled with the change as they called him while he was headed for the South County location and had to rethink his route.  He was only an hour late coming to see me, so it wasn't to bad.  I'm so used to him being unpredictable.  His business is very changeable and he never really knows what his day will bring.

While he was here he asked if I wanted to go out dancing on Friday night, which is today.  I, of course said yes.  He called today with a change of plans and had to go up -State to solve a problem.  He just called and is is near his destination and may or may not be returning either on Saturday or Sunday.  It is a ten hour round.  Never a dull moment with Mr. "Rocky Road."  It's a good thing I'm flexible.  He said he'd call me tomorrow to let me know what his plans are...of course they are subject to change.

Other then that little snafu, I heard from the man that was leading the Veterans meeting the other night.  He called to ask me, and I'm sure he called everyone at the meeting, what I thought about what was discussed,  We played phone tag several times and finally touched base.  Well, not only did he want to discuss the meeting, he wanted to ask me to lunch.  He was going to be out of town next week, but said he would contact me when he returned.  I swear I've been hit on by more men in the last year then I had hit on me in my twenties and that is saying something.  It's like I have a sign on me that says "Available."

I don't know what it is, but I haven't found anyone that even compares, a little, with MP.  There is something between us that just works, even though we don't see each other very much.  It has been a year, yesterday, that we have been seeing each other and per him, he seems to feel the same way.  We are so very much alike.  I always tell him we are matched opposites.

I have a young, and I do mean young, man contacting me by IM and he seems to be very smart and well educated.  He is thirty four and he just like to chat.  He write lyrics and poetry and he contemplating starting some sort of business.  Interesting to chat with once in a while.  I think he just needs a friend.

So, that is about it.  I'm home today, tomorrow and Sunday and I'll see what the day brings.  Never know.

Hugs to all

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