Sunday, July 10, 2011


Another eye opener that I wasn't expecting.  I had a man contact me again that use to live in Laguna and moved to L.A. County.  I have never met him, but he has been sending me emails forever.  When he moved, he had asked if I would come to LA. County to see him.  I told  him that if I hadn't met him while he was in Laguna, fifteen minutes away, there was not a chance that I'd be driving to L.A.

A couple of days later he emailed me information on a new site that I hadn't  heard of called "Plenty of Fish...cute".  It is a site that is free to join.  I had gone off two sites recently that I decided to let lapse and signed on for this free one.

As of yesterday, a day and a half since I signed on., I have heard from seventy men.  Good Grief!! I made a date with one that contacted me, for breakfast on Monday morning,  He lives close by in Newport Beach and is sixty six years old. There has also been one man that has been contacting me on one off from another site, for a year.  He was on this new site and contacted me and asked me to meet him for coffee. He is my age. I haven't set a date with him yet.  Another one wants to come down and take me to dinner.  Would you say a bounty of guys to date.

Since MP is out of the State and traveling, most of the time, I have to find a full timer that can at least show up more then every two to six weeks.   It has been like a bounty of dating for me with a lot of it a waste of time. I just wish out of all of these contacts that I could meet someone that I like and want to see more then once, besides the unavailable MP.

I've stayed home all weekend trying to regroup.  I've had an sinus infection for four weeks that no matter what the doctor gives me, it doesn't want to go away.  MP says it is my cats, ( I've never been allergic to cats,)  and I need the furnace filter cleaned out or changed.  Since the filter is in my ten foot ceiling, I told him there was no way.  He asked if I had a ladder and said the next time he came over he would change it for me.  Men are good for those kind of things, although I always did everything myself when my husband was alive.    I'm getting to long in the tooth to climb an eight foot ladder to change filters like I used to do in the past.  I'll just have to wait until my "road runner" returns.

I'm just hope there is someone out there that isn't a "frog" and that can be around more then MP.  Also one that doesn't live in Australia and points east.  I don't know why these guys bother to contact you, they know that nothing will come of it.

Have a great Sunday!

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